- superincumbent
- лежащий на чём-л., покрывающий (о слое, серии осадков или пород)
* * *• вышележащий• лежащий или покоящийся на чем-либо• лежащий на чем-либо• покрывающий
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Superincumbent — Su per*in*cum bent, a. [L. superincumbens, p. pr. of superincumbere. See {Super }, and {Incumbent}.] Lying or resting on something else. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
superincumbent — [so͞o΄pərin kum′bənt] adj. [L superincumbens, prp. of superincumbere: see SUPER & INCUMBENT] 1. a) lying or resting on something else b) brought to bear from above: said of pressure 2. arching over or overhanging superincumbence n … English World dictionary
superincumbent — adjective Etymology: Latin superincumbent , superincumbens, present participle of superincumbere to lie on top of, from super + incumbere to lie down on more at incumbent Date: 1664 lying or resting and usually exerting pressure on something else … New Collegiate Dictionary
superincumbent — superincumbence, superincumbency, n. superincumbently, adv. /sooh peuhr in kum beuhnt/, adj. 1. lying or resting on something else. 2. situated above; overhanging. 3. exerted from above, as pressure. [1655 65; < L superincumbent (s. of… … Universalium
superincumbent — adjective Lying or resting on something else. […] alas, on the contrary, what troops and populations of Phantasms, not God Veracities but Devil Falsities, down to the very lowest stratum, which now, by such superincumbent weight of Unveracities,… … Wiktionary
superincumbent — Synonyms and related words: beetle, beetle browed, beetling, bridging, burdensome, cumbersome, cumbrous, demanding, exacting, exigent, greater, grievous, higher, imbricate, impendent, impending, incumbent, jutting, lapping, lowering, lumpish,… … Moby Thesaurus
superincumbent — [ˌsu:p(ə)rɪn kʌmb(ə)nt] adjective literary lying on something else … English new terms dictionary
superincumbent — su·per·incumbent … English syllables
superincumbent — /supərɪnˈkʌmbənt/ (say soohpuhrin kumbuhnt) adjective 1. lying or resting on something else. 2. situated above; overhanging. 3. exerted from above, as pressure. –superincumbence, superincumbency, noun …
superincumbent — a. lying on top of; overhanging. ♦ superincumbence, ♦ superincumbency, n … Dictionary of difficult words
superincumbent — adj. lying on something else … Useful english dictionary