- supercontinent
- суперконтинент (обширный континент, объединяющий два или несколько современных континентов)
* * *протоконтинент
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
supercontinent — [so͞o′pər känt΄ n ənt] n. a massive formation of land, as Pangea, that existed for some period of time in geologic history … English World dictionary
Supercontinent — Animation of the rifting of Pangaea, an ancient supercontinent The Eurasian supercontinent … Wikipedia
Supercontinent — Un supercontinent est, en géologie, une masse continentale comprenant plus d’un craton. C’est le cas typiquement de l’Eurasie actuelle. Sommaire 1 Histoire … Wikipédia en Français
Supercontinent cycle — Wilson cycle Simplified sketch of the western part of Pangaea Th … Wikipedia
supercontinent — noun Date: 1960 a hypothetical former large continent from which other continents are held to have broken off and drifted away … New Collegiate Dictionary
supercontinent — /sooh peuhr kon tn euhnt/, n. Geol. a hypothetical protocontinent of the remote geologic past that rifted apart to form the continents of today. Cf. Pangaea. [1955 60; SUPER + CONTINENT] * * * … Universalium
supercontinent — noun a) A very large continent that split into smaller ones in the Earth’s geologic past. b) Sometimes used to refer, due to their being composed of multiple continents, to one of the following modern landmasses: Afro Eurasia and the Americas.… … Wiktionary
supercontinent — n. (Geology) land mass that is composed of more than one continent; theoretical mass of land that broke apart to form the continents … English contemporary dictionary
supercontinent — noun a large land mass believed to have divided in the geological past to form some of the present continents … English new terms dictionary
supercontinent — su·per·continent … English syllables
supercontinent — /supəˈkɒntənənt/ (say soohpuh kontuhnuhnt) noun any great landmass that existed in the geological past and split into smaller landmasses, as Gondwana …