- sulphur bacteria
сероводородные бактерии
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
sulphur bacteria — noun any bacterium of the genus Thiobacillus • Syn: ↑thiobacteria, ↑sulfur bacteria • Hypernyms: ↑thiobacillus * * * sulphur bacteria plural noun Bacteria that liberate sulphur from hydrogen sulphide, etc and ultimately form sulphuric acid • • •… … Useful english dictionary
sulphur bacteria — sierabakterės statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Bakterijos, oksiduojančios vandenilio sulfidą ir kitus redukuotus sieros junginius. Ardo sieros rūdą, uolienas, akmenis, metalinius statinius ir išskiria sieros rūgštį. Mažina… … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Sulphur metabolism — is vital for all living organisms as it is a constituent of a number of essential organic molecules like cysteine, methionine, Coenzyme A, and iron sulphur clusters. These compounds are involved in a number of essential cellular processes like… … Wikipedia
sulfur bacteria — noun any bacterium of the genus Thiobacillus • Syn: ↑thiobacteria, ↑sulphur bacteria • Hypernyms: ↑thiobacillus * * * several species of bacteria, esp. of the genera Beggiatoa and Thiobacillus, that have the ability to utilize sulfur or inorganic … Useful english dictionary
thiobacillus — noun small rod shaped bacteria living in sewage or soil and oxidizing sulfur • Hypernyms: ↑eubacteria, ↑eubacterium, ↑true bacteria • Hyponyms: ↑thiobacteria, ↑sulphur bacteria, ↑sulfur bacteria … Useful english dictionary
Ediacara biota — The Ediacara (IPAEng|ˌiːdɪˈækərə, formerly Vendian) biota are ancient lifeforms of the Ediacaran Period, which represent the earliest known complex multicellular organisms. They appeared soon after the Earth thawed from the Cryogenian period s… … Wikipedia
Photosystem — Photosystems (ancient Greek: phos = light and systema = assembly) are protein complexes involved in photosynthesis. They are found in the thylakoid membranes of plants, algae and cyanobacteria (in plants and algae these are located in the… … Wikipedia
Gijs Kuenen — Dr. J. Gijs Kuenen is a Dutch microbiologist who is presently part time professor at Delft University of Technology (the Netherlands) and the University of Southern California (USA). Gijs Kuenen s research is influenced by, and a contribution to … Wikipedia
Doushantuo Formation — Stratigraphic range: 635–551 Ma[1] … Wikipedia
Athiorhodaceae — noun small motile sulphur bacteria • Syn: ↑family Athiorhodaceae • Hypernyms: ↑bacteria family • Member Holonyms: ↑Pseudomonadales, ↑order Pseudomonadales * * * āˌthīəˌrōˈdāsēˌē … Useful english dictionary
Biota del periodo Ediacárico — Dickinsonia costata, un organismo ediacárico icónico, que muestra la apariencia «acolchada» típica de muchos organismos de esta biota. Los organismos … Wikipedia Español