- suffocating damp
рудничный газ
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Damp (mining) — Historically, gases (other than breathable air) in coal mines in Britain were collectively known as damps . This comes from the Middle Low German word dampf (meaning vapour ), and was in use by 1480 [1]. Damps included: After damp, a mixture of… … Wikipedia
af|ter|damp — «AF tuhr DAMP, AHF », noun. a suffocating mixture of gases, chiefly carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and carbon monoxide, found in coal mines after an explosion of firedamp … Useful english dictionary
choke|damp — «CHOHK DAMP», noun. a heavy, suffocating, nonexplosive gas, mainly carbon dioxide, that gathers in mines, old wells, and other underground caverns; blackdamp … Useful english dictionary
choke-damp — noun choking or suffocating gas, typically carbon dioxide, that is found in mines and other underground spaces … English new terms dictionary
strunt — I Cleveland Dialect List the tail II North Country (Newcastle) Words the tail or rump; strunty any thing short or contracted styth foul air; a black suffocating damp in a colliery … English dialects glossary
1909 Cherry Mine disaster — This postcard shows the ruins of the fan building – with the semicircular roof – as a result of the Cherry Mine Disaster The Cherry Mine Disaster is the name for the events surrounding a fire in the Cherry, Illinois, USA coal mine in 1909 in… … Wikipedia
Smudge — Smudge, n. [Cf. Dan. smuds smut, E. smutch, or smoke.] 1. A suffocating smoke. Grose. [1913 Webster] 2. A heap of damp combustibles partially ignited and burning slowly, placed on the windward side of a house, tent, or the like, in order, by the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Carbon dioxide — Carbon dioxide … Wikipedia
Wetland — For other uses, see Wetland (disambiguation). The Florida Everglades massive wetland system in the United States saw 1.7 billion gallons of fresh water flushed from it daily and pumped into the ocean following one of the most successive water… … Wikipedia
Brunner Mine disaster — The Brunner Mine was one of several mines situated on the banks of the Grey River, at an area known as ‘Coal Gorge’ between the townships of Stillwater and Taylorville, on the West Coast of the South Island, New Zealand. The town of Brunnerton… … Wikipedia
Life Sciences — ▪ 2009 Introduction Zoology In 2008 several zoological studies provided new insights into how species life history traits (such as the timing of reproduction or the length of life of adult individuals) are derived in part as responses to… … Universalium