- actinomorphic
- пал. актиноморфный
* * *актиноморфный
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
actinomorphic — [ak΄tə nō΄môr′fəsak΄tə nō΄môr′fik] adj. Biol. having radial symmetry, as a flower or a starfish: also actinomorphous [ak΄tə nō΄môr′fəs] … English World dictionary
actinomorphic — adjective Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary Date: 1900 being radially symmetrical and capable of division by any longitudinal plane into essentially symmetrical halves < an actinomorphic tulip flower > • actinomorphy noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
actinomorphic — actinomorphy, n. /ak tin oh mawr fik, ak teuh noh /, adj. 1. Biol. having radial symmetry. 2. Bot. (of certain flowers, as the buttercup) divisible vertically into similar halves by each of a number of planes passing through the axis. Also,… … Universalium
actinomorphic — adjective Having its petals arranged in a radially symmetric fashion. Syn: actinomorphous … Wiktionary
actinomorphic — [ˌaktɪnə(ʊ) mɔ:fɪk] adjective Biology characterized by radial symmetry, such as a starfish. Compare with zygomorphic. Derivatives actinomorphy noun … English new terms dictionary
actinomorphic — Of a radially symmetric structure that can be halved in more than one plane to give two halves that are mirror images of each other; of seeds, radiospermic. Cf. zygomorphic … Expanded glossary of Cycad terms
actinomorphic — ac·ti·no·mor·phic … English syllables
actinomorphic — /æktənoʊˈmɔfɪk/ (say aktuhnoh mawfik) adjective 1. having radial symmetry. 2. Botany (of certain flowers, as the buttercup) divisible vertically into similar halves by each of a number of planes. Also, actinomorphous /æktənoʊˈmɔfəs/ (say aktuhnoh …
actinomorphic — a. Botany, having symmetrically radiated shape … Dictionary of difficult words
actinomorphic — adj. Biol. radially symmetrical. Etymology: as ACTINOMETER + Gk morphe form … Useful english dictionary
Floral symmetry — refers to whether, and how, a flower can be divided into two or more identical or mirror image parts. Most flowers are actinomorphic ( star shaped ), meaning they can be divided into symmetrical halves by more than one longitudinal plane passing… … Wikipedia