subterranean gas storage

subterranean gas storage
подземное газохранилище

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "subterranean gas storage" в других словарях:

  • RAF munitions storage during WWII — The logistics organizations of the Royal Air Force in World War II were No. 42 Group and RAF Maintenance Command. As a result of a serious shortage of funds during the inter war period and a weakness of policy the RAF was singularly ill equipped… …   Wikipedia

  • Playa Vista, Los Angeles, California — Playa Vista is a neighborhood located on convert|1087|acre|km2|0 in southwestern Los Angeles, California. Its boundaries are approximately Lincoln Boulevard on the west, Ballona Creek on the north, McConnell Avenue on the east, and Teale Street… …   Wikipedia

  • Earth Sciences — ▪ 2009 Introduction Geology and Geochemistry       The theme of the 33rd International Geological Congress, which was held in Norway in August 2008, was “Earth System Science: Foundation for Sustainable Development.” It was attended by nearly… …   Universalium

  • Carbon sequestration — is the capture of carbon dioxide (CO2) and may refer specifically to: The process of removing carbon from the atmosphere and depositing it in a reservoir. [1] When carried out deliberately, this may also be referred to as carbon dioxide removal,… …   Wikipedia

  • plant — plantable, adj. plantless, adj. plantlike, adj. /plant, plahnt/, n. 1. any member of the kingdom Plantae, comprising multicellular organisms that typically produce their own food from inorganic matter by the process of photosynthesis and that… …   Universalium

  • angiosperm — /an jee euh sperrm /, n. Bot. a plant having its seeds enclosed in an ovary; a flowering plant. Cf. gymnosperm. [ANGIO + SPERM] * * * ▪ plant Introduction       any member of the more than 300,000 species of flowering plants (division Anthophyta) …   Universalium

  • Data center — An operation engineer overseeing a Network Operations Control Room of a data center. A data center (or data centre or datacentre or datacenter) is a facility used to house computer systems and associated components, such as telecommunications and …   Wikipedia

  • petroleum refining — Introduction  conversion of crude oil into useful products. History Distillation of kerosene and naphtha       The refining of crude petroleum owes its origin to the successful drilling of the first oil well in Titusville, Pa., in 1859. Prior to… …   Universalium

  • Radioactive waste — 2007 ISO radioactivity danger logo, designed in part for long term radioactive waste depositories which might survive into a far future time in which all knowledge of the meaning of present common radiation danger symbols and signs has been lost… …   Wikipedia

  • petroleum production — Introduction       recovery of crude oil and, often, associated natural gas from the Earth.        petroleum is a naturally occurring hydrocarbon material that is believed to have formed in deep sedimentary (sedimentary rock) beds from animal and …   Universalium

  • Royal Dutch Shell environmental issues — Royal Dutch Shell is engaged in a variety of business activities across the world which of necessity involves the extraction, production, handling, processing, storage and transportation of hazardous products, including hydrocarbons and chemicals …   Wikipedia

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