- subsidiary company
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
subsidiary company — A subsidiary company is a company that is owned or controlled by another company. When entering into a contract with a subsidiary company, it is important to establish that the subsidiary can fulfil its obligations under the contract without the… … Law dictionary
subsidiary company — A subsidiary company is a company which is controlled by another company, referred to as its holding company. Control is usually achieved either by owning shares with more than 50% of the voting rights in the subsidiary, or by having the right to … Financial and business terms
subsidiary company — noun a company that is completely controlled by another company • Syn: ↑subsidiary • Derivationally related forms: ↑subsidiary (for: ↑subsidiary) • Hypernyms: ↑company * * * … Useful english dictionary
subsidiary company — daughter company, small company that belongs to the larger central company … English contemporary dictionary
subsidiary company — /səbˌsɪdiəri kʌmp(ə)ni/ noun a company which is more than 50% owned by a holding company, and where the holding company controls the board of directors … Marketing dictionary in english
subsidiary company — /səbˌsɪdiəri kʌmp(ə)ni/ noun a company which is more than 50% owned by a holding company, and where the holding company controls the board of directors … Dictionary of banking and finance
subsidiary company — a company whose controlling interest is owned by another company. [1915 20] * * * … Universalium
subsidiary company — /səbˈsɪdʒəri ˌkʌmpəni/ (say suhb sijuhree .kumpuhnee) noun a company the controlling interest in which is owned by another company …
subsidiary company — A company that is wholly or partly owned and controlled by another, known as the parent company … Business law dictionary
subsidiary — sub·sid·i·ary /səb si dē ˌer ē, si də rē/ n pl ar·ies: a company having the majority of its stock owned by another company compare affiliate ◇ The parent company of a subsidiary generally has the same policy making powers as any majority owner… … Law dictionary
subsidiary — [səb sid′ē er΄ē, səb sid′ē ər ē] adj. [L subsidiarius < subsidium: see SUBSIDY] 1. giving aid, support, service, etc.; serving to supplement; auxiliary 2. being in a secondary or subordinate relationship 3. of, constituting, or maintained by a … English World dictionary