- subirrigating
- подпочвенное орошение, орошение грунтовыми водами, орошение инфильтрацией
* * *• орошение грунтовыми водами• орошение инфильтрацией
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
subirrigate — subirrigation, n. /sub ir i gayt /, v.t., subirrigated, subirrigating. to irrigate beneath the surface of the ground, as with water passing through a system of underground porous pipes or transmitted through the subsoil from ditches, etc. [1900… … Universalium
subirrigate — /sʌbˈɪrəgeɪt/ (say sub iruhgayt) verb (t) (subirrigated, subirrigating) to irrigate beneath the surface of the ground, as with water passing through a system of underground pipes or transmitted through the subsoil from ditches, etc.… …
subirrigate — ☆ subirrigate [sub ir′ə gāt΄ ] vt. subirrigated, subirrigating to irrigate (land) by a system of underground pipes subirrigation n … English World dictionary
sub|ir|ri|ga|tion — «SUHB ihr uh GAY shuhn», noun. the act of subirrigating … Useful english dictionary