study the geometry of the fold

study the geometry of the fold
изучение структурного плана

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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  • The Benedictine Order —     The Benedictine Order     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Benedictine Order     The Benedictine Order comprises monks living under the Rule of St. Benedict, and commonly known as black monks . The order will be considered in this article under… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • geometry — /jee om i tree/, n. 1. the branch of mathematics that deals with the deduction of the properties, measurement, and relationships of points, lines, angles, and figures in space from their defining conditions by means of certain assumed properties… …   Universalium

  • History of geometry — Geometry (Greek γεωμετρία ; geo = earth, metria = measure) arose as the field of knowledge dealing with spatial relationships. Geometry was one of the two fields of pre modern mathematics, the other being the study of numbers. Classic geometry… …   Wikipedia

  • Algebraic geometry — This Togliatti surface is an algebraic surface of degree five. Algebraic geometry is a branch of mathematics which combines techniques of abstract algebra, especially commutative algebra, with the language and the problems of geometry. It… …   Wikipedia

  • List of interactive geometry software — Interactive geometry software (IGS, or dynamic geometry environments, DGEs) are computer programs which allow one to create and then manipulate geometric constructions, primarily in plane geometry. In most IGS, one starts construction by putting… …   Wikipedia

  • Mathematics of paper folding — The art of origami or paper folding has received a considerable amount of mathematical study. Fields of interest include a given paper model s flat foldability (whether the model can be flattened without damaging it) and the use of paper folds to …   Wikipedia

  • Renner-Teller effect — The Renner Teller effect is an effect due to rovibronic coupling on the electronic spectra of three (or more) atomic linear molecules in degenerate electronic (Π, Δ, ..., etc.) states.In its original formulation, the Renner Teller effect was a… …   Wikipedia

  • education — /ej oo kay sheuhn/, n. 1. the act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life. 2. the act or process of… …   Universalium

  • Catastrophe theory — This article refers to the study of dynamical systems. For other meanings, see catastrophe. In mathematics, catastrophe theory is a branch of bifurcation theory in the study of dynamical systems; it is also a particular special case of more… …   Wikipedia

  • Aristotle’s logic and metaphysics — Alan Code PART 1: LOGICAL WORKS OVERVIEW OF ARISTOTLE’S LOGIC The Aristotelian logical works are referred to collectively using the Greek term ‘Organon’. This is a reflection of the idea that logic is a tool or instrument of, though not… …   History of philosophy

  • Regular polytope — In mathematics, a regular polytope is a polytope whose symmetry is transitive on its flags, thus giving it the highest degree of symmetry. All its elements or j faces (for all 0≤ j ≤ n , where n is the dimension of the polytope) cells, faces and… …   Wikipedia

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