- stromatolite
- строматолит
* * *строматолит
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
stromatolite — ● stromatolite nom masculin Fossile du précambrien supérieur remontant à plus de 2,7 milliards d années. stromatolite [stʀɔmatɔlit] n. f. ou m. ÉTYM. Mil. XXe; du lat. stroma, stromatis « tapis », et lite pour lithe. ❖ ♦ Sc. Concrétion calcaire à … Encyclopédie Universelle
stromatolite — [strō mat′ə līt΄] n. a laminated, sedimentary rock structure formed primarily in Precambrian shallow pools by mats of sticky, blue green algae, which trapped layers of silt, esp. of calcium carbonate: these wavy or round formations serve as… … English World dictionary
Stromatolite — Stromatolites (from Greek στρώμα, strōma , mattress, bed, stratum, and λιθος, lithos , rock) are layered accretionary structures formed in shallow water by the trapping, binding, and cementation of sedimentary grains by biofilms of microorganisms … Wikipedia
Stromatolite — Stromatolithe Un stromatolithe[1] ou stromatolite (on parle aussi parfois de thrombolites ») est une roche calcaire ou une structure marine biogénique et organique laminée double couche. Les premiers stromatholites, fossilisés, datent de… … Wikipédia en Français
stromatolite — noun Etymology: Latin stromat , stroma bed covering + English o + lite Date: 1930 a laminated usually mounded sedimentary fossil formed from layers of cyanobacteria, calcium carbonate, and trapped sediment • stromatolitic adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
stromatolite — (stro mah to laīt) Dome like microbial mat communities consisting of filamentous photosynthetic bacteria and occluded sediments (often calcareous or siliceous). They usually have a laminar structure. Many are fossilized, but some modern forms… … Dictionary of microbiology
stromatolite — stromatolitic /stroh mat l it ik/, adj. /stroh mat l uyt /, n. Geol. a laminated calcareous fossil structure built by marine algae and having a rounded or columnar form. [ < G Stromatolith (1908) < NL stromat , s. of stroma STROMA + o O + G lith… … Universalium
stromatolite — noun A laminated, rock like structure built over geologic time by microorganisms such as cyanobacteria … Wiktionary
stromatolite — [strə(ʊ) matəlʌɪt] noun Biology a calcareous mound built up of layers of blue green algae and trapped sediment, especially as fossilized in Precambrian rocks. Origin 1930s: from mod. L. stroma, stromat layer, covering + lite … English new terms dictionary
stromatolite — stro·mat·o·lite … English syllables
stromatolite — stro•mat•o•lite [[t]stroʊˈmæt lˌaɪt[/t]] n. gel a laminated calcareous fossil structure built by marine algae and having a rounded or columnar form • Etymology: < G Stromatolith (1908) < NL stromat , s. of stroma stroma+ o o + G lith lith;… … From formal English to slang