- belch
- 1. столб (огня, дыма) 2. извержение 3. извергать (лаву); выбрасывать (огонь, газ, дым)
* * *• выбрасывать• извержение
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
belch — vb Belch, burp, vomit, disgorge, regurgitate, spew, throw up are comparable when they mean to eject matter (as food or gas) from the stomach by way of the mouth or, in extended use, from a containing cavity by way of an opening. Belch denotes the … New Dictionary of Synonyms
belch — vi to expel gas suddenly from the stomach through the mouth vt to expel (gas) from the stomach suddenly: ERUCT belch n an act or instance of belching: ERUCTATION … Medical dictionary
belch — [beltʃ] v [: Old English; Origin: bealcian] 1.) to let air from your stomach come out loudly through your mouth = ↑burp 2.) [i]also belch out [I and T] to send out a large amount of smoke, flames etc, or to come out of something in large amounts… … Dictionary of contemporary English
Belch — (b[e^]lch; 224), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Belched} (b[e^]lch); p. pr. & vb. n. {Belching}.] [OE. belken, AS. bealcan, akin to E. bellow. See {Bellow}, v. i.] 1. To eject or throw up from the stomach with violence; to eruct. [1913 Webster] I belched a … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Belch — Belch, v. i. 1. To eject wind from the stomach through the mouth; to eructate. [1913 Webster] 2. To issue with spasmodic force or noise. Dryden. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Belch — Belch, n. 1. The act of belching; also, that which is belched; an eructation. [1913 Webster] 2. Malt liquor; vulgarly so called as causing eructation. [Obs.] Dennis. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
belch — [belch] vi., vt. [ME belchen < OE bealcian, to bring up, emit, splutter out] 1. to expel (gas) through the mouth from the stomach; eruct 2. to utter (curses, orders, etc.) violently 3. to throw forth (its contents) violently, often in spasms… … English World dictionary
belch´er — belch «behlch», verb, noun. –v.i. 1. to throw out gas from the stomach through the mouth; eructate. 2. to throw out or shoot forth contents violently: »cannon belching at the enemy. –v.t. to throw out with force: »The volcano belched fire and… … Useful english dictionary
Belch [1] — Belch, bei den Celten ein dem Dienst der Götter geweihter Berg … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Belch [2] — Belch, so v.w. Schwarzes Wasserhuhn … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
belch — (v.) O.E. bealcan bring up wind from the stomach, also swell, heave, of echoic origin (Cf. Du. balken to bray, shout ). Extended to volcanoes, cannons, etc. 1570s. Related: Belched; belching. As a noun, recorded from 1510s. It is recorded in 1706 … Etymology dictionary