- strainer
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Strainer — Strain er, n. 1. One who strains. [1913 Webster] 2. That through which any liquid is passed for purification or to separate it from solid matter; anything, as a screen or a cloth, used to strain a liquid; a device of the character of a sieve or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
strainer — (n.) early 14c., agent noun from STRAIN (Cf. strain) (v.) … Etymology dictionary
strainer — ► NOUN ▪ a device for straining liquids, having holes punched in it or made of crossed wire … English terms dictionary
strainer — [strān′ər] n. a person or thing that strains; specif., a device for straining, sifting, or filtering; sieve, filter, colander, etc … English World dictionary
strainer — [[t]stre͟ɪnə(r)[/t]] strainers N COUNT A strainer is an object with holes which you pour a liquid through in order to separate the liquid from the solids in it. Pour the broth through a strainer. ...a tea strainer … English dictionary
strainer — UK [ˈstreɪnə(r)] / US [ˈstreɪnər] noun [countable] Word forms strainer : singular strainer plural strainers an object used in the kitchen for removing liquid from food, or for taking solid parts out of liquids. It is shaped like a bowl with a lot … English dictionary
strainer — Kānana, kālana. Poi strainer, kānana ai. Kava strainer, hoka awa, mau u … English-Hawaiian dictionary
strainer — A wire mesh filter, as used in an oil pump strainer in the sump. Also see oil pump strainer Device such as a screen or filter used to retain solid particles while liquid passes through … Dictionary of automotive terms
Strainer — Barsieb Ein Barsieb (auch Abseiher oder auch englisch Strainer) ist ein Barwerkzeug aus Metall, mit dessen Hilfe unerwünschte Inhalte im Cocktailshaker beim Ausgießen in ein Glas, zurückgehalten werden. Dieser Prozess nennt sich Abseihen.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
strainer — noun Strainer is used after these nouns: ↑tea … Collocations dictionary
strainer — strain|er [ˈstreınə US ər] n a kitchen tool with lots of small holes in it, that is used for separating solids from liquids →↑sieve ▪ a tea strainer … Dictionary of contemporary English