- stony soil
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
stony — adj. (stonier, stoniest) 1 full of or covered with stones (stony soil; a stony road). 2 a hard, rigid. b cold, unfeeling, uncompromising (a stony stare; a stony silence). Phrases and idioms: stony broke Brit. sl. entirely without money. stony… … Useful english dictionary
stony — ston|y [ˈstəuni US ˈstou ] adj 1.) covered by stones or containing stones ▪ stony soil 2.) not showing any friendliness or pity ▪ stony faces ▪ a stony silence 3.) fall on stony ground if a request, suggestion, joke etc falls on stony ground, it… … Dictionary of contemporary English
stony — adjective 1 covered by stones or containing stones: stony soil 2 without emotion or pity: stony faces | a stony silence 3 fall on stony ground if a request, suggestion, joke etc falls on stony ground, it is ignored or people do not like it… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
soil — 1. Earth. Lepo. See limestone. ♦ Sandy soil, āone, lauone, makaili. ♦ Fertile soil, lepo momona. ♦ Poor soil, lepo momona ole, kaha eka. ♦ Stony soil, lepo ā, lepo a ā. ♦ Red soil, lepo ula. ♦ Cindery soil, lepo ākeke. ♦… … English-Hawaiian dictionary
soil — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 earth ADJECTIVE ▪ deep ▪ shallow, thin ▪ fertile, good, rich ▪ infertile … Collocations dictionary
stony — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} adj. Stony is used with these nouns: ↑glare, ↑ground, ↑mask, ↑silence, ↑soil, ↑track {{Roman}}II.{{/Roman}} adv. Stony is used with these adjectives: ↑broke … Collocations dictionary
FAO soil classification — The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) developed a supra national classification, also called World Soil Classification, which offers useful generalizations about soils pedogenesis in relation to the interactions with… … Wikipedia
Charlottetown (soil series) — Charlottetown soil series is the name given to a deep fine sandy loam soil which has developed under forest vegetation on glacial till. This series occurs only on Prince Edward Island, where it is widespread and so important for agriculture that… … Wikipedia
Blandford (soil) — Blandford soil series is the name given to a loam or sandy loam soil which has developed on glacial till in parts of southern Quebec and northern New England. It belongs to the brown podzolic soil group and occurs in hilly areas of the Green… … Wikipedia
Berkshire (soil) — Berkshire soil series is the name given to a well drained loam or sandy loam soil which has developed on glacial till in parts of southern Quebec, eastern New York State and New England south to Massachusetts. It belongs to the podzol soil group… … Wikipedia
texas — /tek seuhs/, n. U.S. Naut. 1. a deckhouse on a texas deck for the accommodation of officers. 2. See texas deck. [1855 60; after TEXAS, from the fact that the officers accommodation was the most spacious on the Mississippi steamboats, on which… … Universalium