- stony ground
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
fall on stony ground — phrase to receive a negative reaction from other people Her ideas seemed to fall on stony ground. Thesaurus: to fail, or to stop being successfulsynonym Main entry: stony * * * I see stony … Useful english dictionary
fall on stony ground — if a request, a warning, or advice falls on stony ground, people ignore it. Repeated requests to stop the fighting have fallen on stony ground. Warnings about the disastrous effect on the environment fell on stony ground … New idioms dictionary
fall on stony ground — If an idea or plan falls on stony ground, it is received negatively by people in positions of power or fails to take off … The small dictionary of idiomes
fall on stony ground — ► fall on stony ground (of words or a suggestion) be ignored or badly received. [ORIGIN: with biblical reference to the parable of the sower in the Gospel of Matthew.] Main Entry: ↑stony … English terms dictionary
fall on stony ground — to receive a negative reaction from other people Her ideas seemed to fall on stony ground … English dictionary
Stony — Ston y, a. [Compar. {Stonier}; superl. {Stoniest}.] [AS. st[=a]nig. See {Stone}.] 1. Of or pertaining to stone, consisting of, or abounding in, stone or stones; resembling stone; hard; as, a stony tower; a stony cave; stony ground; a stony crust … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Stony coral — Stony Ston y, a. [Compar. {Stonier}; superl. {Stoniest}.] [AS. st[=a]nig. See {Stone}.] 1. Of or pertaining to stone, consisting of, or abounding in, stone or stones; resembling stone; hard; as, a stony tower; a stony cave; stony ground; a stony… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
stony — ► ADJECTIVE (stonier, stoniest) 1) full of stones. 2) of or resembling stone. 3) cold and unfeeling. ● fall on stony ground Cf. ↑fall on stony ground … English terms dictionary
fall on stony ground — (of words or a suggestion) be ignored or badly received. [with biblical ref. to the parable of the sower (Matt. 13:5).] → stony … English new terms dictionary
stony — ston|y [ˈstəuni US ˈstou ] adj 1.) covered by stones or containing stones ▪ stony soil 2.) not showing any friendliness or pity ▪ stony faces ▪ a stony silence 3.) fall on stony ground if a request, suggestion, joke etc falls on stony ground, it… … Dictionary of contemporary English
stony — [[t]sto͟ʊni[/t]] stonier, stoniest 1) ADJ GRADED Stony ground is rough and contains a lot of stones. The steep, stony ground is well drained. ...a stony track. Syn: pebbly 2) ADJ GRADED A stony expression or attitude does not show any sympathy or … English dictionary