- beef
- маломощные пологозалегающие жилы или пропластки волокнистого кальцита
* * *волокнистый карбонат извести
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Beef — , BEEF STROGANOFF, BEEF WELLINGTON, GHATEAUBRIAND Beef has been a standard food for many, many centuries. The eating of beef was mentioned in the Greek epics the Iliad and the Odyssey. King James II reportedly was so delighted by a roast… … Dictionary of eponyms
beef — (bēf) n. pl. beeves (bēvz) or beef 1) a) A full grown steer, bull, ox, or cow, especially one intended for use as meat. b) The flesh of a slaughtered full grown steer, bull, ox, or cow. 2) Informal Human muscle; brawn. 3) pl. beefs Slang A… … Word Histories
Beef — (b[=e]f), a. Of, pertaining to, or resembling, beef. [1913 Webster] {Beef tea}, essence of beef, or strong beef broth. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Beef — (engl. für Streit) bedeutet im Hip Hop Jargon eine aggressive Auseinandersetzung zwischen zwei Rappern, oft auch unterstützt durch andere Künstler ihres Plattenlabels, die offen über die Medien und im speziellen über die Musikveröffentlichungen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
beef — beef; beef·burg·er; beef·less; beef·alo; beef·er; … English syllables
beef|y — «BEE fee», adjective, beef|i|er, beef|i|est. 1. Figurative. strong, solid, and heavy: »a beefy wrestler. 2. like beef: »a beefy taste … Useful english dictionary
Beef — (b[=e]f), n. [OE. boef, befe, beef, OF. boef, buef, F. b[oe]ef, fr. L. bos, bovis, ox; akin to Gr. boy^s, Skr. g[=o] cow, and E. cow. See 2d {Cow}.] 1. An animal of the genus {Bos}, especially the common species, {Bos taurus}, including the bull … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Beef — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Un beef (también denominado plex) es un término dentro del hip hop que se usa para determinar un feudo o controversia entre dos raperos creando una rivalidad en la que cada uno difama y se enfrenta al otro de… … Wikipedia Español
beef — s. n. v. rosbif / roast beef. Trimis de gall, 12.01.2008. Sursa: DOOM 2 rósbif / (angl.) roast beef [pron. rắŭstbif] s.n., pl. rósbifuri / roast beefuri Trimis de gall, 19.11.2007. Sursa: DOOM 2 … Dicționar Român
beef up — (v.) add strength, 1941, from college slang, from BEEF (Cf. beef) (n.) in slang sense of muscle power (1851) … Etymology dictionary
beef|a|lo — «BEE fuh loh», noun, plural loes or los. U.S. any one of a breed of beef cattle developed by interbreeding Herefords and Charolaises with buffaloes. ╂[blend of beef and buffalo] … Useful english dictionary