steep drop

steep drop

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "steep drop" в других словарях:

  • steep — [stiːp] adjective 1. steep prices, charges etc are unusually expensive: • Consumers are paying relatively steep prices for dairy products. • Anyone caught fiddling their expenses will face steep fines. 2. a steep increase or rise in something is… …   Financial and business terms

  • drop-off — [dräp′ôf΄] n. 1. a very steep drop 2. a decline or decrease, as in sales, prices, etc …   English World dictionary

  • drop-off — noun 1. a noticeable deterioration in performance or quality the team went into a slump a gradual slack in output a drop off in attendance a falloff in quality • Syn: ↑slump, ↑slack, ↑falloff, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • drop — drop1 W2S1 [drɔp US dra:p] v past tense and past participle dropped present participle dropping ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(let something fall)¦ 2¦(fall)¦ 3¦(move your body down)¦ 4¦(become less)¦ 5¦(reduce)¦ 6¦(not include)¦ 7¦(stop doing something)¦ …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • steep — steep1 S3 [sti:p] adj comparative steeper superlative steepest [: Old English; Origin: steap high, steep, deep ] 1.) a road, hill etc that is steep slopes at a high angle ▪ The road became rocky and steep. ▪ a steep climb to the top 2.) steep… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • steep — steep1 [ stip ] adjective ** 1. ) a steep slope rises quickly and is difficult to climb: a steep slope/hill/bank/path It was a steep climb out of the valley. a ) a steep drop or fall is sudden and nearly VERTICAL: Suddenly the plane pitched… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • steep — I UK [stiːp] / US [stɪp] adjective Word forms steep : adjective steep comparative steeper superlative steepest ** 1) a) a steep slope rises quickly and is difficult to climb a steep slope/hill/bank/path It was a steep climb out of the valley. b)… …   English dictionary

  • steep — 1. adj. & n. adj. 1 sloping sharply; almost perpendicular (a steep hill; steep stairs). 2 (of a rise or fall) rapid (a steep drop in share prices). 3 (predic.) colloq. a (of a demand, price, etc.) exorbitant; unreasonable (esp. a bit steep). b… …   Useful english dictionary

  • steep — steep1 [stēp] adj. [ME < OE steap, lofty, high, akin to OFris steep, MHG stouf, cliff (as in Ger Hohenstaufen) < IE * steup < base * (s)teu , to strike, butt > STOCK, STUB, L tundere, to strike] 1. having a sharp rise or highly… …   English World dictionary

  • steep — adj Steep, abrupt, precipitous, sheer mean having an incline approaching the perpendicular. The words are here arranged in ascending order of degree of perpendicularity. Steep implies so sharp a slope or pitch that ascent or descent is difficult… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • drop-off — ˈdrop off noun [countable] 1. if there is a drop off in the amount, level, or number of something, it goes down or becomes less: • There has been a drop off in tourism this year. • temporary drop offs in sales 2. TRANSPORT a delivery, or the… …   Financial and business terms

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