- steel collar
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
steel collar worker — or steel collar worker noun A term applied to a robot, used in manfacturing industry, esp in the automation of assembly lines, to carry out tasks formerly done by a worker or workers • • • Main Entry: ↑steel … Useful english dictionary
steel-collar worker — or steel collar worker noun A term applied to a robot, used in manfacturing industry, esp in the automation of assembly lines, to carry out tasks formerly done by a worker or workers • • • Main Entry: ↑steel … Useful english dictionary
steel-col|lar — «STEEL KOL uhr», adjective. of or having to do with robots as part of the labor force: »Tomorrow s “steel collar” workers should be able to react to their environment, combining sensing devices to “see” and “feel” a Al software to “think”… … Useful english dictionary
Steel Brightblade — Personaje de Dragonlance Primera aparición Los caballeros de Takhisis Creador(es) Margaret Weis y Tracy Hickman Información … Wikipedia Español
Collar (BDSM) — A BDSM style collar that buckles in the back. Detail of … Wikipedia
Collar stays — Plastic collar stay removed from shirt collar Underside of a men s shirt collar showing remova … Wikipedia
Collar pin — Norman Brearley, Australian aviation pioneer is shown in a digital image of a photograph taken in the 1920s. The head and shoulders image show him wearing flying goggles, a day suit, tie and collar pin. A collar pin (also called collar bar and… … Wikipedia
collar — collarless, adj. /kol euhr/, n. 1. the part of a shirt, coat, dress, blouse, etc., that encompasses the neckline of the garment and is sewn permanently to it, often so as to fold or roll over. 2. a similar but separate, detachable article of… … Universalium
Steel Cage Match — Beim Wrestling gibt es eine Vielzahl von Möglichkeiten, Matches anzusetzen. Dies betrifft die Art und Anzahl der Teilnehmer, die Art und Weise, das Match zu beenden sowie an den Ausgang des Kampfes geknüpfte Bedingungen. Ein Wrestling Match kann… … Deutsch Wikipedia
dirty-white-collar — (DUR.tee wyt kaw.lur) adj. Relating to a corrupt, seedy, or criminal businessperson. Example Citation: David Ebert, a Rancho Santa Fe water district executive, committed the same crime Longanbach did. He commandeered the services of underlings… … New words
White-collar worker — The term white collar worker refers to a salaried professional who performs semi professional office, administrative, and sales coordination tasks, as opposed to a blue collar worker, whose job requires manual labor. White collar work is an… … Wikipedia