statistical properties

statistical properties
статистические свойства

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "statistical properties" в других словарях:

  • Statistical signal processing — is an area of signal processing that treats signals as stochastic processes, dealing with their statistical properties (e.g., mean, covariance, etc.). Traditionally it is taught at the graduate level in electrical engineering departments around… …   Wikipedia

  • Statistical Lempel Ziv — is a concept of lossless data compression technique published by Dr. Sam Kwong and Yu Fan Ho in 2001.[1] It may be viewed as a variant of the Lempel Ziv (LZ) based method. The contribution of this concept is to include the statistical properties… …   Wikipedia

  • Statistical ensemble (mathematical physics) — In mathematical physics, especially as introduced into statistical mechanics and thermodynamics by J. Willard Gibbs in 1878, an ensemble (also statistical ensemble or thermodynamic ensemble)cite book |last=Kittel |first=Charles… …   Wikipedia

  • Statistical static timing analysis — Conventional static timing analysis (STA) has been a stock analysis algorithm for the design of digital circuits over the last 30 years. However, in recent years the increased variation in semiconductor devices and interconnect has introduced a… …   Wikipedia

  • Statistical mechanics — is the application of probability theory, which includes mathematical tools for dealing with large populations, to the field of mechanics, which is concerned with the motion of particles or objects when subjected to a force.Statistical mechanics …   Wikipedia

  • Statistical finance — Statistical finance, [ J P Bouchaud, An introduction to Statistical Finance, Physica A 313 (2002) 238 251] sometimes called econophysics, [ V. Perou, E. Gopikrishnan, L A Amaral, M. Meyer, H. E. Stanley, Phys. Rev. E 60 6519 (1999)] is an… …   Wikipedia

  • Statistical relational learning — (SRL) is a subdiscipline of artificial intelligence that is concerned with models of domains that exhibit both uncertainty (which can be dealt with using statistical methods) and complex, relational structure. Typically, the knowledge… …   Wikipedia

  • Statistical shape analysis — is a geometrical analysis from a set of shapes in which statistics are measured to describe geometrical properties from similar shapes or different groups, for instance, the difference between male and female Gorilla skull shapes, normal and… …   Wikipedia

  • statistical mechanics — Physics, Chem. (used with a sing. v.) the science that deals with average properties of the molecules, atoms, or elementary particles in random motion in a system of many such particles and relates these properties to the thermodynamic and other… …   Universalium

  • Statistical inference — In statistics, statistical inference is the process of drawing conclusions from data that are subject to random variation, for example, observational errors or sampling variation.[1] More substantially, the terms statistical inference,… …   Wikipedia

  • Statistical thermodynamics — In thermodynamics, statistical thermodynamics is the study of the microscopic behaviors of thermodynamic systems using probability theory. Statistical thermodynamics, generally, provides a molecular level interpretation of thermodynamic… …   Wikipedia

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