- stadia wedge
диастимометрический угол
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Deimachus — (3rd century BCE), (Greek Δηιμάχος, in four syllables), was a Greek of the Seleucid Empire. He became an ambassador to the court of Bindusara Amitragata (son of Chandragupta Maurya) in Pataliputra in India. As an ambassador, he was the successor… … Wikipedia
architecture — /ahr ki tek cheuhr/, n. 1. the profession of designing buildings, open areas, communities, and other artificial constructions and environments, usually with some regard to aesthetic effect. Architecture often includes design or selection of… … Universalium
The Arts Centre (Melbourne) — The Victorian Arts Centre The spire of The Arts Centre General information Type Arts centre … Wikipedia
Uno Ullberg — Infobox Architect name= Uno Ullberg nationality= Finn birth date=1879 birth place=Viipuri, Finland death date=1944 death place=Helsinki, Finland significant buildings=Viipuri Art Museum and Drawing School, 1931 Viipurin Panttilaitos Oy Building,… … Wikipedia