- spore capsule
• споровая капсула• споровместилище
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
capsule — /kap seuhl, soohl, syoohl/, n., v., capsuled, capsuling, adj. n. 1. Pharm. a gelatinous case enclosing a dose of medicine. 2. Biol. a. a membranous sac or integument. b. either of two strata of white matter in the cerebrum. c. the sporangium of… … Universalium
Spore — For other uses, see Spore (disambiguation). Spores produced in a sporic life cycle. In biology, a spore is a reproductive structure that is adapted for dispersal and surviving for extended periods of time in unfavorable conditions. Spores form… … Wikipedia
capsule — cap•sule [[t]ˈkæp səl, sul, syul[/t]] n. v. suled, sul•ing, adj. 1) pha a gelatinous case enclosing a dose of medicine 2) bio a) a membranous sac or integument of the body b) either of two strata of white matter in the cerebrum c) the sporangium… … From formal English to slang
capsule — I. noun Etymology: French, from Latin capsula, diminutive of capsa box more at case Date: circa 1693 1. a. a membrane or sac enclosing a body part (as a knee joint or kidney) b. either of two layers of white matter in the cerebrum 2. a closed… … New Collegiate Dictionary
capsule — /ˈkæpsjul/ (say kapsyoohl), /ˈkæpʃul / (say kapshoohl), / ʃəl/ (say shuhl) noun 1. a small case, envelope, or covering. 2. a gelatinous case enclosing a dose of medicine; the dose itself. 3. Botany a. a dry dehiscent fruit composed of two or more …
capsule — n. 1 a small soluble case of gelatine enclosing a dose of medicine and swallowed with it. 2 a detachable compartment of a spacecraft or nose cone of a rocket. 3 an enclosing membrane in the body. 4 a a dry fruit that releases its seeds when ripe … Useful english dictionary
capsule — [ kapsju:l, sjʊl] noun 1》 a small case or container, especially a round or cylindrical one. ↘a small soluble case of gelatin containing a dose of medicine, swallowed whole. 2》 Anatomy a sheath or membrane that encloses an organ or other… … English new terms dictionary
polar capsule — noun : a specialized cell of a cnidosporidian spore that produces a coiled thread that presumably serves as a temporary attachment organelle when the spore ruptures … Useful english dictionary
Aulacomnium palustre — Taxobox image caption = regnum = Plantae divisio = Bryophyta classis = Bryopsida subclassis = Bryidae ordo = Bryales familia = Aulacomniaceae genus = Aulacomnium species = A. palustre binomial = Aulacomnium palustre binomial authority = (Hedw.)… … Wikipedia
club moss — any plant of the genus Lycopodium. [1590 1600] * * * Any of about 200 species of primitive vascular plants that constitute the genus Lycopodium (order Lycopodiales), mainly native to tropical mountains but also common in northern forests of both… … Universalium
plant development — Introduction a multiphasic process in which two distinct forms succeed each other in alternating generations. One form, created by the union of sexual cells (gametes (gamete)), contains two sets of similar chromosomes (diploid). At sexual… … Universalium