- splendent
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Splendent — Splen dent, a. [L. splendens, entis, p. pr. of splendere to shine.] 1. Shining; glossy; beaming with light; lustrous; as, splendent planets; splendent metals. See the Note under 3d {Luster}, 4. [1913 Webster] 2. Very conspicuous; illustrious.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
splendent — [splen′dənt] adj. [LME < L splendens, prp. of splendere: see SPLENDID] 1. shining; lustrous 2. brilliant, splendid, or illustrious … English World dictionary
splendent — adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Late Latin splendent , splendens, from Latin, present participle of splendēre Date: 15th century 1. shining, glossy < splendent luster > 2. illustrious, brilliant < splendent genius > … New Collegiate Dictionary
splendent — splendently, adv. /splen deuhnt/, adj. 1. shining or radiant, as the sun. 2. gleaming or lustrous, as metal, marble, etc. 3. brilliant in appearance, color, etc.; gorgeous; magnificent; splendid. 4. eminent; illustrious. [1425 75; late ME < L… … Universalium
splendent — adjective archaic shining brightly. Origin C15: from L. splendent , splendere shine … English new terms dictionary
splendent — splen•dent [[t]ˈsplɛn dənt[/t]] adj. 1) shining or lustrous 2) eminent; illustrious • Etymology: 1425–75; late ME < L splendent , s. of splendēns, prp. of splendēre to shine; see ent splen′dent•ly, adv … From formal English to slang
splendent — adj. [L. splendens, shining] Shining; glossy; reflecting light intensely … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
splendent — splen·dent || splendÉ™nt adj. shining, glowing; gleaming; magnificent, impressive … English contemporary dictionary
splendent — splen·dent … English syllables
splendent — /ˈsplɛndənt/ (say splenduhnt) adjective 1. shining or radiant, as the sun; gleaming or lustrous, as metal, marble, etc. 2. brilliant in appearance, colour, etc.; gorgeous; magnificent; splendid. 3. very conspicuous; illustrious. {late Middle… …
splendent — adj. formal 1 shining; lustrous. 2 illustrious. Etymology: ME f. L splendere to shine … Useful english dictionary