spheroidal structure

spheroidal structure
матрацевидная структура
подушечная или матрацевидная структура
подушечная структура
шаровая структура
шаровое строение

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "spheroidal structure" в других словарях:

  • sphéroïdal — sphéroïdal, ale, aux [ sferɔidal, o ] adj. • 1740; de sphéroïde ♦ Didact. En forme de sphéroïde; propre à un sphéroïde. ♢ (1858) Phys. État sphéroïdal d un liquide (dans le phénomène de la caléfaction). ● sphéroïdal, sphéroïdale, sphéroïdaux… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Dwarf spheroidal galaxy — NGC 147, a dwarf spheroidal galaxy of the Local Group Dwarf spheroidal galaxy (dSph) is a term in astronomy applied to low luminosity galaxies that are companions to the Milky Way and to the similar systems that are companions to the Andromeda… …   Wikipedia

  • Napoleonite — Napoleonite, also called corsite because the stone is found in the island of Corsica, is a variety of diorite which is characterized by orbicular structure. The grey matrix of the stone has the normal appearance of a diorite, but contains many… …   Wikipedia

  • eyeball — eyeballer, n. /uy bawl /, n. 1. the ball or globe of the eye. v.t. 2. Informal. to look at, check, or observe closely: two opponents eyeballing each other. [1580 90; 1900 05 for def. 2; EYE + BALL1] * * * ▪ anatomy  spheroidal structure… …   Universalium

  • Mound-building termites — For other uses of the term mound builder , see Mound Builder (disambiguation). A mound in Australia …   Wikipedia

  • nucleus — n.; pl. lei [L. nucleus, kernel] 1. A spheroidal structure present in a cell containing the chromatin. 2. (MOLLUSCA: Gastropoda) The earliest formed part of the shell, or operculum, of a protoconch …   Dictionary of invertebrate zoology

  • buckminsterfullerene — /ˌbʌkmɪnstəˌfʊləˈrin/ (say .bukminstuh.fooluh reen) noun a molecule of spheroidal structure consisting of 60 carbon atoms arranged as 12 pentagonal and hexagonal interlocking faces. Also, buckyball. {named after R(ichard) Buckminster Fuller,… …  

  • Organic chemistry — Structure of the methane molecule: the simplest hydrocarbon compound. Organic chemistry is a subdiscipline within chemistry involving the scientific study of the structure, properties, composition, reactions, and preparation (by synthesis or by… …   Wikipedia

  • sphéroïdale — ● sphéroïdal, sphéroïdale, sphéroïdaux adjectif Qui est de forme quasi sphérique. Se dit de la forme arrondie d un constituant de structure (par exemple fonte à graphite sphéroïdal) …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • sphéroïdaux — ● sphéroïdal, sphéroïdale, sphéroïdaux adjectif Qui est de forme quasi sphérique. Se dit de la forme arrondie d un constituant de structure (par exemple fonte à graphite sphéroïdal) …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • galaxy — /gal euhk see/, n., pl. galaxies. 1. Astron. a. a large system of stars held together by mutual gravitation and isolated from similar systems by vast regions of space. b. (usually cap.) See Milky Way. 2. any large and brilliant or impressive… …   Universalium

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