- solstitial group
группа солнцестояния
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Midsummer — For other uses, see Midsummer (disambiguation). Midsummer Midsummer bonfire in Mäntsälä, Finland Also called Summer Solstice, Adonia, St. John s Feast Day, Līgo, Litha, M … Wikipedia
Archaeoastronomy — (also spelled archeoastronomy) is the study of how peoples in the past have understood the phenomena in the sky, how they used phenomena in the sky and what role the sky played in their cultures. [Sinclair 2006:13] Clive Ruggles argues it… … Wikipedia
World Naked Bike Ride — Participants in the 2007 World Naked Bike Ride in London … Wikipedia
circle — Synonyms and related words: O, acquaintance, advance, alentours, alternate, ambience, ambit, anklet, annular muscle, annulus, anthelion, antisun, aphelion, apogee, arc, arena, areola, armlet, arsis, ascend, associates, astronomical longitude,… … Moby Thesaurus
period — Synonyms and related words: Alexandrine, Archean, Archeozoic, Cambrian, Carboniferous, Cenozoic, Comanchean, Cretaceous, Devonian, Eocene, Glacial, Holocene, Lower Cretaceous, Lower Tertiary, Mesozoic, Miocene, Mississippian, Oligocene, Paleocene … Moby Thesaurus
Zhang Heng — For other uses, see Zhang Heng (disambiguation). This is a Chinese name; the family name is Zhang. Zhang Heng (張衡) Born … Wikipedia
Precession (astronomy) — In astronomy, precession refers to the movement of the rotational axis of a body, such as a planet, with respect to inertial space. In particular, it refers to the precession of the Earth s rotational axis, also called the precession of the… … Wikipedia
Water clock — For the individual water clock at The Children s Museum of Indianapolis, see Water clock (Indianapolis). A display of two outflow water clocks from the Ancient Agora Museum in Athens. The top is an original from the late 5th century BC. The… … Wikipedia