- solid coal
целик угля
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Coal bed methane extraction — (CBM extraction) is a method for extracting methane from a coal deposit. Contents 1 Basic principles 2 Areas with coal bed methane extraction 3 Measuring the gas content of coal … Wikipedia
coal mining — Coal was very important in the economic development of Britain. It was used as fuel in the factories built during the Industrial Revolution and continued to be important until the 1980s. The main coalfields are in north east England, the north… … Universalium
coal utilization — Introduction combustion of coal or its conversion into useful solid, gaseous, and liquid products. By far the most important use of coal is in combustion, mainly to provide heat to the boilers of electric power plants. Metallurgical coke… … Universalium
Solid Energy — Type State owned enterprise Industry mining, coal Founded 1987, Wellington … Wikipedia
Coal — Sedimentary Rock Anthracite coal Composition Primary carbon Secondary hydrogen, sulfur … Wikipedia
Solid fuel — refers to various types of solid material that are used as fuel to produce energy and provide heating, usually released through combustion. Solid fuels include wood (see wood fuel), charcoal, peat, coal, Hexamine fuel tablets, and pellets made… … Wikipedia
Coal liquefaction — is the process of producing synthetic liquid fuels from coal. Contents 1 Methods 1.1 Pyrolysis and carbonization processes 1.2 Hydrogenation processes 1.3 … Wikipedia
Coal slurry — consists of solid and liquid waste and is a by product of the coal mining and preparation processes. It is a fine coal refuse and water. Mining generates enormous amounts of solid waste in the form of rocks and dirt. This refuse is used to dam… … Wikipedia
solid fuel — UK US noun [countable/uncountable] [singular solid fuel plural solid fuels] a solid substance such as wood or coal that is burnt to produce heat or electricity Thesaurus: fuel and using fuelhyponym … Useful english dictionary
Coal gasification — is the process of producing coal gas, a type of syngas–a mixture of carbon monoxide (CO), hydrogen (H2), carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapour (H2O)–from coal. Coal gas, which is a combustible gas, was traditionally used as a source of energy for … Wikipedia
Coal Palace — Motto: Coal is light, heat, and power. General information Architectural style … Wikipedia