bearing bar

bearing bar

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "bearing bar" в других словарях:

  • BAR KOKHBA — (d. 135 C.E.), leader of the revolt in Judea against Rome (132–135 C.E.). The Man and the Leader Bar Kokhba is known in talmudic sources as Ben Kozevah, Bar Kozevah, or Ben Koziva (Heb. בן כוזבה, בר כוסבא, בן כוזיבא; Sanh. 93b; BK 97b; TJ, Ta an …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • bar — bar1 [bär] n. [ME & OFr barre < ML barra, bar, barrier, prob. < Gaul * barros, the bushy end, akin to Ir bar, branch < IE * bhoros, cut wood < base * bher , to cut with a sharp tool] 1. any piece of wood, metal, etc. longer than it is …   English World dictionary

  • bearing — A supporting point or surface. central b. in dentistry, application of forces between the maxillae and mandible at a single point located as near as possible to the center of the supporting areas of the upper and lower jaws; used for the purpose… …   Medical dictionary

  • bearing down — Expulsive effort of a parturient woman in the second stage of labor. * * * bear·ing down (bārґing dounґ) 1. a feeling of weight in the pelvis occurring in certain diseases. 2. the expulsive effort of a woman in labor …   Medical dictionary

  • Kanaka Bar, British Columbia — Kanaka Bar is an unincorporated community and locality in the Fraser Canyon region of British Columbia, Canada, located near the town of Lytton. Names for a gold bearing bar on the Fraser River below, which was mined by Hawaiians (called Kanakas… …   Wikipedia

  • Overseas Service Bar — Overseas Service Bars Current Army Service Uniform Overseas Service Bars 4 Years Total …   Wikipedia

  • Whammy bar — A whammy bar, tremolo arm/bar, or vibrato arm/bar is a component of a guitar, used to add vibrato to the sound by changing the tension of the strings, typically at the bridge or tailpiece. The whammy bar enables the player to quickly vary the… …   Wikipedia

  • Vertical bar — Note: broken bar and the glyph ¦ redirect here. The vertical bar (|) has various names including the pipe (by the Unix community), verti bar, vbar, vertical line, vertical slash, or divider line by others. It has various usages in mathematics,… …   Wikipedia

  • Medal bar — Examples of medal bars For the ribbon worn instead of the entire medal, see Ribbon bar. A medal bar or medal clasp is a thin metal bar attached to the ribbon of a military decoration, civil decoration, or other medal. It is most commonly used to… …   Wikipedia

  • cutter bar — noun Etymology: cutter (I) 1. : a bar on a chucking lathe that fits a tool holder at one end and supports a cutting tool at the other 2. : a bar with pointed guards along which the knife runs in a mowing machine or along which a sickle blade runs …   Useful english dictionary

  • Boston Bar, British Columbia — Boston Bar is an unincorporated town in the Fraser Canyon of the Canadian province of British Columbia. It was not named for an organization of Massachusetts lawyers but dates from the time of the Fraser Canyon Gold Rush (1858 1861). A bar is a… …   Wikipedia

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