slope face

slope face
откос уступа карьера

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "slope face" в других словарях:

  • Slope soaring — is a gliding technique used to maintain altitude by flying in the updraft produced by wind blowing up the face of a steep slope. Model glider pilots commonly refer to this as slope gliding or sloping . Pilots of full sized gliders also call the… …   Wikipedia

  • Slope stability radar — The Slope Stability Radar (SSR) is a new application for the monitoring of slope stability at open cut mines. It is a system currently in use across the global mining and civil industries. Slope stability is a critical safety and production issue …   Wikipedia

  • slope-faced — (MOLLUSCA: Bivalvia) Referring to the face of the shell, i.e., central, anterior or posterior slope …   Dictionary of invertebrate zoology

  • Constant slope barrier — A diagram of the Constant Slope Barrier. A constant slope barrier is a traffic barrier made of reinforced concrete and designed with a single slope that is used to separate lanes of vehicular traffic. Its advantages compared to more complex… …   Wikipedia

  • Constant Slope Barrier — A constant slope barrier is a traffic barrier made of reinforced concrete and designed with a single slope that is used to separate lanes of vehicular traffic. Its advantages compared to more complex shapes arise because its performance is not as …   Wikipedia

  • head slope —    [ geomorphology ]    A geomorphic component of hills consisting of a laterally concave area of a hillside, especially at the head of a drainageway, resulting in converging overland water flow (e.g., sheet wash); head slopes are dominated by… …   Glossary of landform and geologic terms

  • Steep Slope Sliders — Infobox VG| title = Steep Slope Sliders developer = Cave publisher = Sega designer = engine = released = 1996 genre = Sports modes = Single player, multiplayer ratings = platforms = Saturn media = requirements = input = Steep Slope Sliders is a… …   Wikipedia

  • free face —    1) The part of a hillside or mountainside consisting of an outcrop of bare rock (scarp or cliff) that sheds colluvium to slopes below and commonly stands more steeply than the angle of repose of the colluvial slope (e.g., talus slope)… …   Glossary of landform and geologic terms

  • base slope —    [ geomorphology ]    A geomorphic component of hills consisting of the concave to linear slope (perpendicular to the contour) which, regardless of the lateral shape is an area that forms an apron or wedge at the bottom of a hillside dominated… …   Glossary of landform and geologic terms

  • side slope —    [ geomorphology ]    A geomorphic component of hills consisting of a laterally planar area of a hillside, resulting in predominantly parallel overland water flow (e.g., sheet wash); contour lines generally form straight lines. Side slopes are… …   Glossary of landform and geologic terms

  • nose slope —    [ geomorphology ]    A geomorphic component of hills consisting of the projecting end (laterally convex area) of a hillside, resulting in predominantly divergent overland water flow (e.g., sheet wash); contour lines generally form convex… …   Glossary of landform and geologic terms

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