- slob-ice
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
slob ice — n. a dense mass of sludge or floating ice … English World dictionary
slob ice — Chiefly Canadian. sludge (def. 5). [1905 10] * * * slob ice noun (Can) Sludgy floating ice • • • Main Entry: ↑slob * * * slob ice, disintegrating pack ice … Useful english dictionary
slob ice — noun Slushy sea ice … Wiktionary
slob ice — Chiefly Canadian. sludge (def. 5). [1905 10] * * * … Universalium
ice — Synonyms and related words: Dry Ice, French ice cream, Freon, Italian ice, air condition, air cool, alabaster, ammonia, berg, bijouterie, billiard table, blast, blast freeze, blast frozen, blight, blot out, bowling alley, bowling green, bubble,… … Moby Thesaurus
ice pack — Synonyms and related words: Dry Ice, air cooler, berg, calf, chiller, cold pack, cooler, cryosphere, fan, firn, floe, frazil, frozen water, glaciation, glacier, glacieret, glaze, glazed frost, granular snow, ground ice, growler, ice, ice bag, ice … Moby Thesaurus
slob — Synonyms and related words: Dry Ice, berg, boor, butterfingers, calf, churl, clay, clumsy, cryosphere, drab, dub, duffer, firn, floe, foozler, foul up, frazil, frozen water, frump, fumble fist, galoot, glaciation, glacier, glacieret, glaze,… … Moby Thesaurus
slobice — slob ice n. Canadian Slushy or broken ice floating as a mass at sea. [From dialectal slob, muddy land, from Irish Gaelic slab, mud. See slob.] * * * … Universalium
ЛЕДЯНАЯ КАША — (Slob ice) пуло, забой, затор, тортуха смесь измельченного льда, иногда с шугой и снежурой. Набивается у кромки льда или берегов плотным слоем в несколько метров. При сжатии Л. К. сильно уплотняется и разрыхляется при разрежениях. Самойлов К. И.… … Морской словарь
berg — Synonyms and related words: Dry Ice, calf, cryosphere, firn, floe, frazil, frozen water, glaciation, glacier, glacieret, glaze, glazed frost, granular snow, ground ice, growler, ice, ice banner, ice barrier, ice belt, ice cave, ice cubes, ice… … Moby Thesaurus
calf — Synonyms and related words: Brahman, Dry Ice, Indian buffalo, ankle, aurochs, bayonet legs, beef, beef cattle, beeves, berg, birdling, bison, bossy, bovine, bovine animal, bowlegs, buffalo, bull, bullock, carabao, catling, cattle, chick,… … Moby Thesaurus