beach barrier

beach barrier
береговой вал
надводный бар, параллельный берегу

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "beach barrier" в других словарях:

  • Beach Boulevard (Hamilton, Ontario) — Beach Boulevard is a Lower city street in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, north of the Hamilton Harbour on a thin piece of land that crosses over Lake Ontario and stretches from Confederation Park in the east to the Lift Bridge in the west at Eastport …   Wikipedia

  • Beach Club Hamilton Island (Whitsundays) — Beach Club Hamilton Island country: Australia, city: Whitsundays (Hamilton Island) Beach Club Hamilton Island Beach Club Hamilton Island offers an intimate holiday experience that is perfect for couples and is also an ideal base for exploring the …   International hotels

  • barrier island — n. a long island, parallel to the coastline, formed from a ridge of sand (barrier beach) thrown up by the waves, that serves the shore as a protective barrier against tidal waves, storms, etc …   English World dictionary

  • barrier beach —    1) A narrow, elongate, coarse textured, intertidal, sloping landform that is generally parallel with the beach ridge component of a barrier island or spit and adjacent to the ocean.    Compare: barrier island.    SSS    2) [ relict ]… …   Glossary of landform and geologic terms

  • Barrier-Riff — Satellitenfoto des Großen Barriereriffs Das Great Barrier Reef oder Große Barriereriff vor der Küste Australiens ist das größte und wohl beeindruckendste Korallenriff der Erde und wird den sieben Weltwundern der Natur zugerechnet. Im Jahre 1981… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Beach evolution — The shoreline is where the land meets the sea and it is continually changing. Over the long term, the water is eroding the land. Beaches represent a special case, in that they exist where sand accumulated from the same processes that strip away… …   Wikipedia

  • barrier flat —    A relatively flat, low lying area, commonly including pools of water, separating the exposed or seaward edge of a barrier beach or barrier island from the lagoon behind it. An assemblage of both deflation flats left behind migrating dunes and… …   Glossary of landform and geologic terms

  • barrier island — noun a long narrow sandy island (wider than a reef) running parallel to the shore • Hypernyms: ↑island • Instance Hyponyms: ↑Hatteras Island * * * noun : a barrier so broadened as to be much more than a barrier beach; also : a long series of such …   Useful english dictionary

  • barrier — /bar ee euhr/, n. 1. anything built or serving to bar passage, as a railing, fence, or the like: People may pass through the barrier only when their train is announced. 2. any natural bar or obstacle: a mountain barrier. 3. anything that… …   Universalium

  • barrier beach — noun see barrier I, 2b * * * a sand ridge that rises slightly above the surface of the sea and runs roughly parallel to the shore, from which it is separated by a lagoon. * * * barrier beach, a long, thin sand ridge built by the action of waves… …   Useful english dictionary

  • beach — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. shore, coast[line]; strand, sands, shingle. v. ground, run aground or ashore, strand, hit the beach (inf.). See navigation, land. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [The edge of the water] Syn. shore, strand,… …   English dictionary for students

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