- skirt
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
skirt´er — skirt «skurt», noun, verb. –n. 1. a woman s or girl s outer garment that hangs from the waist: »The triangle flare skirt is fully lined…to give it a majestic sweep from a tiny waist to the billowed hem (New Yorker). 2. the part of a dress that… … Useful english dictionary
Skirt — Skirt, n. [OE. skyrt, of Scand. origin; cf. Icel. skyrta a shirt, Sw. sk[ o]rt a skirt, skjorta a shirt. See {Shirt}.] 1. The lower and loose part of a coat, dress, or other like garment; the part below the waist; as, the skirt of a coat, a dress … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
skirt — [n1] border, edge brim, brink, fringe, hem, margin, outskirts, perimeter, periphery, purlieus, rim, skirting, verge; concepts 484,825 Ant. center, inside, interior, middle skirt [n2] ladies’ garment that hangs from waist culottes, dirndl, dress,… … New thesaurus
Skirt — Skirt, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Skirted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Skirting}.] 1. To cover with a skirt; to surround. [1913 Webster] Skirted his loins and thighs with downy gold. Milton. [1913 Webster] 2. To border; to form the border or edge of; to run… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Skirt — Skirt, v. t. To be on the border; to live near the border, or extremity. [1913 Webster] Savages . . . who skirt along our western frontiers. S. S. Smith. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
skirt — (n.) c.1300, lower part of a woman s dress, from O.N. skyrta shirt, see SHIRT (Cf. shirt). Sense development from shirt to skirt is possibly related to the long shirts of peasant garb (Cf. Low Ger. cognate Schört, in some dialects woman s gown ) … Etymology dictionary
skirt — ► NOUN 1) a woman s outer garment fastened around the waist and hanging down around the legs. 2) the part of a coat or dress that hangs below the waist. 3) a surface that conceals or protects the wheels or underside of a vehicle or aircraft. 4)… … English terms dictionary
skirt — [skʉrt] n. [ME < ON skyrt, shirt, kirtle, akin to OE scyrte, SHIRT] 1. that part of a dress, coat, robe, etc. that hangs below the waist 2. a woman s garment of varying length that hangs down from the waist 3. something like a skirt, as a flap … English World dictionary
skirt — index border, border (approach), detour, digress, embrace (encircle), margin (outside limit), outline … Law dictionary
Skirt — For the cut of beef, see skirt steak. Polka dot skirt on a hanger. A skirt is a tube or cone shaped garment that hangs from the waist and covers all or part of the legs. In the western world, skirts are usually considered women s clothing.… … Wikipedia
skirt — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ long, short ▪ She was wearing a short denim skirt. ▪ ankle length, calf length, knee length ▪ tight … Collocations dictionary