- size of ... on the ground
размер в горизонтальной проекции
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Hole-in-the-Ground — Infobox Mountain Name = Hole in the Groundcite web | title=Deschutes Ochoco National Forests Hole in the Ground Volcano | publisher=USDA Forest Service | date=2003 12 24 | url=http://www.fs.fed.us/r6/centraloregon/geology/info/volcanoes/holeground… … Wikipedia
Ground sloth — Ground sloths Temporal range: Oligocene Holocene Harlan s Ground Sloth (Paramylodon harlani), a mylodontid Scientific classification … Wikipedia
The World of Kong — The World of Kong: A Natural History of Skull Island is a 2005 encyclopedic book, made for the release of Peter Jackson s King Kong. The book tells all about King Kong s fictional world. It talks about everything on Skull Island, from the… … Wikipedia
Ground glass joint — Ground glass joints are used in laboratories to quickly and easily fit leak tight apparatus together from commonly available parts. For example, a round bottom flask, Liebig condenser, and oil bubbler with ground glass joints may be rapidly… … Wikipedia
Ground support equipment — (GSE) is found at an airport, usually on the ramp, the servicing area by the terminal. This equipment is used to service the aircraft between flights. As its name implies, GSE is there to support the operations of aircraft on the ground. The… … Wikipedia
The Culture — is a fictional interstellar anarchist, socialist, and utopian[1][2] society created by the Scottish writer Iain M. Banks which features in a number of science fiction novels and works of short fiction by him, collectively called the Culture… … Wikipedia
Ground-attack aircraft — An A 10 Thunderbolt II firing an AGM 65 Ground attack aircraft are military aircraft with primary role of attacking targets on the ground with greater precision than bombers and prepared to face stronger low level air defense … Wikipedia
Ground squirrel — Ground squirrels Temporal range: Early Oligocene to Recent California ground squirrel (Spermophilus beecheyi) in the man made rocky shoreline of the Berkeley Marina. The numerous crevices offer safety and shelter … Wikipedia
Ground beetle — Ground beetles Golden ground beetle eating an earthworm Scientific classification Kingdom … Wikipedia
size — n Size, dimensions, area, extent, magnitude, volume are here compared primarily as terms meaning the amount of space occupied or sometimes of time or energy used by a thing and determinable by measuring. Size usually refers to things having… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
The Mote in God's Eye — … Wikipedia