- silica dust
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Silica gel — Identifiers CAS number 63231 67 4 … Wikipedia
Dust collector — Two rooftop dust collectors in Pristina, Kosovo A dust collector is a system used to enhance the quality of air released from industrial and commercial processes by collecting dust and other impurities from air or gas. Designed to handle heavy… … Wikipedia
Silica — The chief component of sand and a substance responsible for lung disease and cancer. Crystalline silica of respirable size is primarily quartz dust occurring in industrial and occupational settings in the form of fine, breathable particles.… … Medical dictionary
Dust mask — Not to be confused with Paint mask, Surgical mask, or Respirator. A dust mask is a flexible pad held over the nose and mouth by elastic or rubber straps to protect against dusts encountered during construction or cleaning activities, such as… … Wikipedia
silica — n. silicon compound occurring in flint, quartz and sand. ♦ siliceous, ♦ silicic, a. ♦ silicicolous, a. growing in flinty soil. ♦ siliciferous, a. producing silica or silicon. ♦ silicify, v.t. convert into silica. ♦ silicon, n … Dictionary of difficult words
Lithogenic silica — (LSi) comes from the Greek words lithos , which means rock , and genesis , which means coming from . LSi is silica that originates from terrestrial sources of rock and soil, i.e. from silicate minerals and crystals.In the marine silicon cycle,… … Wikipedia
Silicon dioxide — Silica redirects here. For other uses, see Silica (disambiguation). Silicon dioxide … Wikipedia
Silicosis — Classification and external resources ICD 10 J62 ICD 9 502 … Wikipedia
Silicose — La silicose est une maladie pulmonaire provoquée par l inhalation de particules de poussières de silice (silice cristalline) dans les mines[1], les carrières[1], les percements de tunnel ou les chantiers du BTP[2] … Wikipédia en Français
Abrasive blasting — Sandblasting a stone wall Diesel powered compressor used as an air supply for sandblasting … Wikipedia
Silicosis — A form of lung disease resulting from occupational exposure to silica dust over a period of years. Silicosis causes slowly progressive fibrosis of the lungs, impairment of lung function and a tendency to tuberculosis of the lungs. Crystalline… … Medical dictionary