- shovel excavator
одноковшовый экскаватор
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Shovel logging — Shovel logging, sometimes called Hoe Chucking, uses a log loader to swing logs to the forest road. Shovel logging is one of a number of methods that may be used to move logs from forest to road. Rather than driving out to the log and dragging it… … Wikipedia
excavator — [eks′kə vāt΄ər] n. a person or thing that excavates; specif., a steam shovel, dredge, etc … English World dictionary
Excavator — CAT 325C, fitted with quick coupler and tilting bucketAn excavator is an engineering vehicle consisting of an articulated arm (boom, stick), bucket and cab mounted on a pivot (a rotating platform, like a Lazy Susan) atop an undercarriage with… … Wikipedia
excavator — noun 1. a workman who excavates for foundations of buildings or for quarrying • Derivationally related forms: ↑excavate • Hypernyms: ↑workman, ↑workingman, ↑working man, ↑working person 2. a machine for excavating … Useful english dictionary
Shovel test pit — A shovel test pit (STP) is a standard method for Phase I of an Archaeological survey. It is usually a part of the CRM methodology and a popular form of rapid archaeological survey in the United States of America and Canada. It designates a series … Wikipedia
shovel — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. spade, digger; scoop[er], excavator, trowel, scuttle. v. dig, excavate, unearth; ladle, dip. See concavity. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. spade, scoop, trowel, snow shovel. Shovels include: coal, snow, fire … English dictionary for students
excavator — noun Date: circa 1815 one that excavates; especially a power operated shovel … New Collegiate Dictionary
excavator — ex|ca|va|tor [ˈekskəveıtə US ər] n 1.) BrE a large machine that digs and moves earth and soil American Equivalent: steam shovel 2.) someone who digs to find things that have been buried under the ground for a long time … Dictionary of contemporary English
excavator — noun (C) 1 a large machine that digs and moves earth and soil; steam shovel AmE 2 someone who digs to find things that have been buried under the ground for a long time exceed /Ik si:d/ verb (T) 1 to be more than a number or amount, especially a… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Steam shovel — A steam shovel is a large steam powered excavating machine designed for lifting and moving material such as rock and soil. It is the earliest type of power shovel.Origins and development The steam shovel was invented by William Otis, who received … Wikipedia
steam shovel — noun a power shovel that is driven by steam (Freq. 1) • Hypernyms: ↑power shovel, ↑excavator, ↑digger, ↑shovel * * * noun, pl ⋯ els [count] US : a large machine that is powered by steam and that is used for digging large holes called also… … Useful english dictionary