- shoal water
• мелкая вода• мелководье
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
shoal water — noun • • • Main Entry: ↑shoal … Useful english dictionary
shoal water — shallow water, water that is not deep … English contemporary dictionary
Shoal — Shoal, a. [Cf. {Shallow}; or cf. G. scholle a clod, glebe, OHG. scollo, scolla, prob. akin to E. shoal a multitude.] Having little depth; shallow; as, shoal water. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
shoal mark — noun An indication of shoal water • • • Main Entry: ↑shoal … Useful english dictionary
shoal — Synonyms and related words: a mass of, a world of, ankle deep, army, bank, bar, barrier, bevy, bunch, cloud, clutter, colony, coral heads, coral reef, covey, cursory, depthless, drift, drive, drove, epidermal, flat, flight, flock, flocks, ford,… … Moby Thesaurus
shoal — n Shoal, bank, reef, bar can all mean a shallow place in a body of water. In ordinary use Shoal is applied to a shallow place, especially one that is difficult to navigate {dangerous shoals in uncharted waters} Bank, often as the plural banks, is … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Shoal Lake 40 First Nation — is an Ojibwa or Ontario Saulteaux First Nation located in Eastman Region of Manitoba. Total registered population in February, 2008, was 537, of which the on reserve population was 259. The first Nation is a member of the Bimose Tribal Council, a … Wikipedia
shoal — shoal1 [shōl] n. [via dial. < OE scolu, multitude, school of fish, akin to Du school < IE * skēl < base * (s)kel , to cut > SHIELD] 1. a large group; mass; crowd 2. a large school of fish vi. to come together in or move about as a… … English World dictionary
Shoal — Shoal, n. 1. A place where the water of a sea, lake, river, pond, etc., is shallow; a shallow. [1913 Webster] The depth of your pond should be six feet; and on the sides some shoals for the fish to lay their span. Mortimer. [1913 Webster] Wolsey … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
shoal — Ⅰ. shoal [1] ► NOUN 1) a large number of fish swimming together. 2) informal, chiefly Brit. a large number of people. ► VERB ▪ (of fish) form shoals. ORIGIN probably from Dutch sch le troop … English terms dictionary
shoal — [ʃəul US ʃoul] n [Sense: 1; Origin: Old English scolu large group ] [Sense: 2; Date: 1300 1400; Origin: shoal not deep (11 20 centuries), from Old English sceald] 1.) a large group of fish swimming together = ↑school shoal of … Dictionary of contemporary English