shield effect

shield effect
экранирующее влияние

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "shield effect" в других словарях:

  • Shield (disambiguation) — Shield may refer to:Protection* Shield, a hand held protective device meant to intercept attacks * Electromagnetic shielding * Shielded cable * Energy shield * Deflector shield, a protective energy field * Heat shield, which protects a spacecraft …   Wikipedia

  • Holtzman effect — The Holtzman effect [In Terminology of the Imperium , the glossary of the novel Dune , Frank Herbert defined the Holtzman effect itself as the negative repelling effect of a shield generator. Interpreting this in conjunction with Herbert s… …   Wikipedia

  • Skin effect — Skin depth redirects here. For the depth (layers) of biological/organic skin, see skin. Skin effect is the tendency of an alternating electric current (AC) to distribute itself within a conductor with the current density being largest near the… …   Wikipedia

  • Captain America's shield — is a fictional item, the primary defensive and offensive piece of equipment used by the Marvel Comics superhero Captain America, and he is seldom seen without it. Over the years, Captain America has had the use of several different shields of… …   Wikipedia

  • Energy shield — An energy shield is a form of technology commonly found in science fiction, but also in development for real life space travel [ [ feedId=online news rss20 Deflector shields could protect future… …   Wikipedia

  • Chilling effect (law) — For other uses, see Chilling effect (disambiguation). Part of a series on Censorship …   Wikipedia

  • Canadian Shield — The Canadian Shield mdash; also called the Laurentian Plateau, or Bouclier Canadien (French) mdash; is a large geological shield covered by a thin layer of soil that forms the nucleus of the North American or Laurentia craton. It has a deep,… …   Wikipedia

  • Chilling effect (term) — A chilling effect is a term in law and communication which describes a situation where speech or conduct is suppressed by fear of penalization at the interests of an individual or group. It may prompt self censorship and therefore hamper free… …   Wikipedia

  • Cactus Data Shield — (CDS) is a form of CD/DVD copy protection for audio compact discs developed by Midbar Tech now owned by Macrovision. It has been used extensively by EMI and BMG and their subsidiaries, see Copy Control. CDS relies on two components: multiple… …   Wikipedia

  • The Shield of Heracles — (Ancient Greek: Ἀσπὶς Ἡρακλέους Aspis Hêrakleous ) is a fragment of Greek epic, of 481 lines of hexameters. The theme of the episode is the expedition of Heracles and Iolaus against Cycnus, the son of Ares, who challenged Heracles to combat as… …   Wikipedia

  • Tunnelling shield — A tunnelling shield is a protective structure used in the excavation of tunnels through soil that is too soft or fluid to remain stable during the time it takes to line the tunnel with a support structure of concrete, cast iron or steel. In… …   Wikipedia

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