- shelf ice
плавающие массивные глыбы прибрежного льда
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Shelf ice — can refer to the ice that forms when a portion of a lake surface freezes. It is often then washed upon the shore. This is common with the Great Lakes.ee also*ice shelf … Wikipedia
shelf ice — n. ICE SHELF … English World dictionary
shelf ice — noun ice that is attached to land but projects out to sea • Syn: ↑ice shelf • Hypernyms: ↑ice * * * noun : an extensive ice sheet originating on land but continuing out to sea beyond the depths at which it rests on the sea bottom : barrier ice *… … Useful english dictionary
shelf ice — ice forming part of or broken from an ice shelf. [1910 15] * * * … Universalium
shelf ice — noun Date: 1910 an extensive ice sheet originating on land but continuing out to sea beyond the depths at which it rests on the sea bottom … New Collegiate Dictionary
ice-shelf — ● ice shelf, ice shelfs ou shelf nom masculin (anglais ice, glace, et shelf, plate forme) Plate forme de glace continentale, de plusieurs dizaines à plusieurs centaines de milliers de kilomètres carrés, flottant sur la mer. ice shelf [ajsʃɛlf]… … Encyclopédie Universelle
shelf — ● ice shelf, ice shelfs ou shelf nom masculin (anglais ice, glace, et shelf, plate forme) Plate forme de glace continentale, de plusieurs dizaines à plusieurs centaines de milliers de kilomètres carrés, flottant sur la mer … Encyclopédie Universelle
ice-shelfs — ● ice shelf, ice shelfs ou shelf nom masculin (anglais ice, glace, et shelf, plate forme) Plate forme de glace continentale, de plusieurs dizaines à plusieurs centaines de milliers de kilomètres carrés, flottant sur la mer … Encyclopédie Universelle
Ice shelf — An ice shelf is a thick, floating platform of ice that forms where a glacier or ice sheet flows down to a coastline and onto the ocean surface. Ice shelves are found in Antarctica, Greenland and Canada only. The boundary between the floating ice… … Wikipedia
ice shelf — noun ice that is attached to land but projects out to sea • Syn: ↑shelf ice • Hypernyms: ↑ice * * * noun : shelf ice * * * an ice sheet projecting into coastal waters so that the end floats. [1910 15] * * * ice shelf … Useful english dictionary
ice sheet — /ˈaɪs ʃit/ (say uys sheet) noun 1. a broad, thick sheet of ice covering an extensive area for a long period of time. 2. a mass of glacier ice that covers more than 50 000 square kilometres. Also, icesheet. The only current ice sheets (def. 2) are …