
1. рудный покров; пластовая залежь 2. пластовая интрузия 3. спелеол. оболочка 4. сед. покров
agglomeratic ice sheet ледяной покров, образованный смерзанием отдельных льдин
associated sheets сопряжённые пласты, сопряжённые покровы
cone sheet 1. коническая пластовая интрузия; интрузивный конический слой 2. коническая дайка
continental ice sheet континентальный ледник
continuous sheet непрерывный покров
drift sheet покров ледниковых отложений (сформированных во время одного цикла оледенения)
extruded sheet лавовый поток, излияние лавы
flat sheet пластовая залежь
ice sheet ледяной покров
inclined sheet наклонный слой
interformational sheet межформационная интрузия
intrusive sheet- интрузивный пласт
lava sheet лавовый покров, лавовый щит
mountain ice sheet горный ледниковый покров (слившиеся долинные и предгорные ледники, покрывающие хребты и долины между ними)
overthrust sheet надвинутый слой
rock sheet толща горизонтально лежащих пород
sand sheet песчаный покров; район скопления песка
slip sheet гравитационный покров
slump sheet оползневый покров
solifluction sheet солифлюкционный покров
survey sheet лист карты
tangle sheet расщепляющиеся листочки слюды с прорастаниями кристаллов
thrust sheet надвиг пластов незначительной мощности, надвиговый пропласток, надвиговая чешуя
till sheet моренный покров
topographic sheet топографический планшет
* * *
плита камня
плоская залежь

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "sheet" в других словарях:

  • Sheet — Sheet, n. [OE. shete, schete, AS. sc[=e]te, sc[=y]te, fr. sce[ a]t a projecting corner, a fold in a garment (akin to D. schoot sheet, bosom, lap, G. schoss bosom, lap, flap of a coat, Icel. skaut, Goth. skauts the hem of a garment); originally,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sheet — W2S2 [ʃi:t] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(for a bed)¦ 2¦(paper)¦ 3¦(thin flat piece)¦ 4¦(large flat area)¦ 5¦(of rain/fire)¦ 6¦(on a ship)¦ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [: Old English; Origin: scyte] 1.) ¦(FO …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Sheet — Sheet, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Sheeted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Sheeting}.] 1. To furnish with a sheet or sheets; to wrap in, or cover with, a sheet, or as with a sheet. The sheeted dead. When snow the pasture sheets. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. To expand, as …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sheet — sheet1 [shēt] n. [ME schete < OE sceat, piece of cloth, lappet, region, akin to Ger schoss, lap, ON skaut, lappet: for prob. IE base see SHOOT] 1. a large, rectangular piece of cotton, linen, etc., used on a bed, usually in pairs, one under… …   English World dictionary

  • sheet — [ ʃit ] noun count *** ▸ 1 cloth on bed ▸ 2 piece of something flat ▸ 3 wide area ▸ 4 looking like moving wall ▸ 5 rope on boat with sail ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) a large piece of thin cloth that you put on your bed and use for lying on or covering your… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Sheet — may refer to:* Sheet, a villiage in Hampshire * Bed sheet, a piece of cloth used to cover a mattress * Sheet (sailing), a rope, cable or chain used to control a sail * The playing surface in the sport of curling * A piece of paper * A level or… …   Wikipedia

  • sheet — ‘cloth’ [OE] and sheet ‘rope attached to a sail’ [OE] are distinct words, although they have a common ancestor. This was the Germanic base *skaut , *skut ‘project’, which also produced English scot free, scuttle ‘sink a ship’, shoot, shot, shout …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • sheet — Ⅰ. sheet [1] ► NOUN 1) a large rectangular piece of cotton or other fabric, used on a bed to cover the mattress or as a layer beneath blankets. 2) a broad flat piece of metal or glass. 3) a rectangular piece of paper. 4) an extensive layer or… …   English terms dictionary

  • sheet — ‘cloth’ [OE] and sheet ‘rope attached to a sail’ [OE] are distinct words, although they have a common ancestor. This was the Germanic base *skaut , *skut ‘project’, which also produced English scot free, scuttle ‘sink a ship’, shoot, shot, shout …   Word origins

  • sheet — shēt n 1) a broad piece of cloth esp an oblong of usu. cotton or linen cloth used as an article of bedding 2) a portion of something that is thin in comparison to its length and breadth <a sheet of connective tissue> * * * (shēt) 1. a… …   Medical dictionary

  • sheet — A complete, unseparated group of postage stamps as printed on a press. The sheet is usually perforated and cut into four or more panes for eventual sale …   Glossary of postal terms

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