

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "shear-strained" в других словарях:

  • strain — strain1 strainingly, adv. strainless, adj. strainlessly, adv. /strayn/, v.t. 1. to draw tight or taut, esp. to the utmost tension; stretch to the full: to strain a rope. 2. to exert to the utmost: to strain one s ears to catch a sound. 3. to… …   Universalium

  • Dislocation — For the syntactic operation, see Dislocation (syntax). For the medical term, see Joint dislocation. In materials science, a dislocation is a crystallographic defect, or irregularity, within a crystal structure. The presence of dislocations… …   Wikipedia

  • Emily Ann and Maggie Hays nickel mines — The Emily Ann and Maggie Hays nickel deposits are situated approximately 150km west of the town of Norseman, Western Australia, within the Lake Johnston Greenstone Belt [Hill R.E.T, Barnes S.J., Gole M.J., and Dowling S.E., 1990. Physical… …   Wikipedia

  • Work hardening — Work hardening, also known as strain hardening or cold working, is the strengthening of a metal by plastic deformation. This strengthening occurs because of dislocation movements within the crystal structure of the material.[1] Any material with… …   Wikipedia

  • Bowyer — A bowyer is someone who makes or sells bows.HistoryHistorically, a huge variety of bows have been produced for food gathering, warfare, and recreation. Who created these bows depended mainly on the type of bow being produced, but also on the… …   Wikipedia

  • earthquake — /errth kwayk /, n. 1. a series of vibrations induced in the earth s crust by the abrupt rupture and rebound of rocks in which elastic strain has been slowly accumulating. 2. something that is severely disruptive; upheaval. [1300 50; ME erthequake …   Universalium

  • Reinforced concrete — is concrete in which reinforcement bars ( rebars ), reinforcement grids, plates or fibers have been incorporated to strengthen the concrete in tension. It was invented by French gardener Joseph Monier in 1849 and patented in 1867.[1] The term… …   Wikipedia

  • Infinitesimal strain theory — The infinitesimal strain theory, sometimes called small deformation theory, small displacement theory, or small displacement gradient theory, deals with infinitesimal deformations of a continuum body. For an infinitesimal deformation the… …   Wikipedia

  • Linear elasticity — Continuum mechanics …   Wikipedia

  • literature — /lit euhr euh cheuhr, choor , li treuh /, n. 1. writings in which expression and form, in connection with ideas of permanent and universal interest, are characteristic or essential features, as poetry, novels, history, biography, and essays. 2.… …   Universalium

  • Pelvic girdle pain — Pregnancy related Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP) causes pain, instability and/or dysfunction in any of the three pelvic joints. PGP has a long history of recognition, mentioned by Hippocrates. [Pubic Symphysis Separation. Fetal and Maternal Medicine… …   Wikipedia

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