- shaking grate
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
shaking grate — noun : a grate that can be shaken to drop ashes accumulated at the base of the bed of coals … Useful english dictionary
Otto Graham — in 1959 while serving as head football coach and athletic director at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy No. 60, 14 … Wikipedia
List of changes in Star Wars re-releases — The Star Wars logo, as seen in all of the films The following are partial lists of changes in Star Wars re releases. The commercial success of Star Wars gave George Lucas the opportunity to alter the original films of the trilogy: Star Wars… … Wikipedia
Altars (in Scripture) — Altars (in Scripture) † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Altars (in Scripture) The English word altar, if the commonly accepted etymology be adopted alta ara does not describe as well as its Hebrew and Greek equivalents, mizbeah (from zabhah,… … Catholic encyclopedia
grating — Synonyms and related words: abrasion, absonant, ajar, andiron, annoying, antagonistic, antipathetic, arabesque, at cross purposes, at loggerheads, at odds, at variance, at war, atomization, atonal, attrition, basketry, basketwork, beating, bolter … Moby Thesaurus
jar — I n vessel, urn, vase, Gk. and Rom. Antiq. amphora; container, receptacle, crock, cruse, pot, canister, can; jug, pitcher, ewer; carafe, decanter, flagon, bottle, demijohn, cruet, caster, flask, carboy. II v 1. grate, rasp, scratch, squeak,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder