- set of images
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Images pour orchestre — is an orchestral composition in three sections by Claude Debussy. Debussy wrote the music between 1905 and 1912. Debussy had originally intended this set of Images as a two piano sequel to the first set of Images (solo piano), in a letter to his… … Wikipedia
Images of the future — are one of the main resources used in the field of Futures Studies, as a subject of analysis, as well as a site for the active development and pursuit of preferred future scenarios. For example, according to Jim Dator, a futurist and Professor of … Wikipedia
Images (Skempton) — Images is a cycle of piano pieces composed by Howard Skempton in 1989. This work and a variations set, The Durham Strike , are the only large scale piano works by Skempton, although he has been composing piano music since the beginning of his… … Wikipedia
Images and Words: Live in Tokyo — Video de Dream Theater Publicación 16 de noviembre de 1993 Grabación 26 de agosto de 1993, Tokio, Japón … Wikipedia Español
Set partitioning in hierarchical trees — (SPIHT) [cite journal last = Said|first = Amir|coauthors = Pearlman, William A. title = A new fast and efficient image codec based upon set partitioning in hierarchical trees journal = IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video… … Wikipedia
Set (mythology) — In Ancient Egyptian mythology, Set (also spelled Seth, Sutekh or Seteh) is an ancient god, who was originally the god of the desert, storms, and chaos. Because of the developments in the Egyptian language over the 3,000 years that Set was… … Wikipedia
Images of Women — Although images of women on film have been varied, and a range of female characters has always been central to film narratives, the truth remains that films tend to have male protagonists and be about male concerns, with only a handful that… … Guide to cinema
Images of Women — Although images of women on film have been varied, and a range of female characters has always been central to film narratives, the truth remains that films tend to have male protagonists and be about male concerns, with only a handful that… … Historical dictionary of Spanish cinema
Veneration of Images — Veneration of Images † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Veneration of Images I. IMAGES IN THE OLD TESTAMENT The First Commandment would seem absolutely to forbid the making of any kind of representation of men, animals, or even plants:… … Catholic encyclopedia
Julia set — In complex dynamics, the Julia set J(f), [Note that in other areas of mathematics the notation J(f), can also represent the Jacobian matrix of a real valued mapping f, between smooth manifolds.] of a holomorphic function f, informally consists of … Wikipedia
Overhead Imagery Research Data Set — The Overhead Imagery Research Data Set (OIRDS) is a collection of an open source, annotated, overhead images that computer vision researchers can use to aid in the development of algorithms.[1] Most computer vision and machine learning algorithms … Wikipedia