- semibituminous
- полубитуминозный
* * *полубитуминозный
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
semibituminous — semi·bituminous … English syllables
semibituminous — “+ adjective Etymology: semi + bituminous of coal : intermediate between bituminous coal and anthracite and averaging from 10 to 20 percent of volatile matter … Useful english dictionary
semibituminous coal — /sem ee bi tooh meuh neuhs, tyooh , sem uy , sem ee , sem uy / a coal intermediate between bituminous and anthracite coal in hardness, yielding the maximum heat of any ordinary steam coal. [1855 60; SEMI + BITUMINOUS] * * * … Universalium
semibituminous coal — /sem ee bi tooh meuh neuhs, tyooh , sem uy , sem ee , sem uy / a coal intermediate between bituminous and anthracite coal in hardness, yielding the maximum heat of any ordinary steam coal. [1855 60; SEMI + BITUMINOUS] … Useful english dictionary
Barcelona — /bar seuh loh neuh/; Sp. /bahrdd the law nah/, n. a seaport in NE Spain, on the Mediterranean. 2,000,000. * * * Seaport city (pop., 2001: city, 1,503,884; metro. area, 3,765,994), capital of Catalonia autonomous region, northeastern Spain. Spain… … Universalium
coal — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. ember, cinder; charcoal, briquette (see fuel). See heat. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [Mineral fuel] Syn. mineral coal, coke, fossil fuel; see fuel . Types of coal include: hard coal, soft coal, charcoal,… … English dictionary for students