self-consistent calculation

self-consistent calculation
расчет самосогласованным методом

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "self-consistent calculation" в других словарях:

  • Multi-configurational self-consistent field — Electronic structure methods Tight binding Nearly free electron model Hartree–Fock method Modern valence bond Generalized valence bond Møller–Plesset perturbation theory …   Wikipedia

  • Self-creation cosmology — (SCC) theories are gravitational theories in which the mass of the universe is created out of its self contained gravitational and scalar fields, as opposed to the theory of continuous creation cosmology or the steady state theory which depend on …   Wikipedia

  • Self-ionization of water — The self ionization of water (also autoionization of water, and autodissociation of water) is the chemical reaction in which two water molecules react to produce a hydronium (H3O+) and a hydroxide ion (OH−):: 2 H2O (l) ightleftharpoons H3O+ (aq)… …   Wikipedia

  • Pwpaw — A Projector Augmented Wave (PAW) code for electronic structure calculation. It is a free software package, distributed under the very liberal GNU General Public License. It is a plane wave implementation of the Projector Augmented Wave (PAW)… …   Wikipedia

  • cosmos — /koz meuhs, mohs/, n., pl. cosmos, cosmoses for 2, 4. 1. the world or universe regarded as an orderly, harmonious system. 2. a complete, orderly, harmonious system. 3. order; harmony. 4. any composite plant of the genus Cosmos, of tropical… …   Universalium

  • mathematics — /math euh mat iks/, n. 1. (used with a sing. v.) the systematic treatment of magnitude, relationships between figures and forms, and relations between quantities expressed symbolically. 2. (used with a sing. or pl. v.) mathematical procedures,… …   Universalium

  • Renormalization — Quantum field theory (Feynman diagram) …   Wikipedia

  • chemical bonding — ▪ chemistry Introduction       any of the interactions that account for the association of atoms into molecules, ions, crystals, and other stable species that make up the familiar substances of the everyday world. When atoms approach one another …   Universalium

  • Hartree-Fock — In computational physics and computational chemistry, the Hartree Fock (HF) method is an approximate method for the determination of the ground state wavefunction and ground state energy of a quantum many body system.The Hartree Fock method… …   Wikipedia

  • Polymer field theory — A polymer field theory within the framework of statistical mechanics is a statistical field theory, describing the statistical behavior of a neutral or charged polymer system within the field theoretic approach.It can be derived by transforming… …   Wikipedia

  • Monte Carlo methods for electron transport — The Monte Carlo method for electron transport is a semiclassical Monte Carlo(MC) approach of modeling semiconductor transport. Assuming the carrier motion consists of free flights interrupted by scattering mechanisms, a computer is utilized to… …   Wikipedia

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