- selenizone
- Gastr. мантийная полоска
* * *мантийная полоска
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
selenizone — n. [Gr. selene, moon; zone, girdle] (MOLLUSCA: Gastropoda) In dibranchiates, a spiral band of crescentric growth lines or threads (lunulae) on the shell surface due to the semicircular end of a notch or slit on the outer lip; a slit band;… … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
lunula — n.; pl. lunulae [L. dim. luna, moon] 1. A small lunate mark or crescent shaped object. 2. (MOLLUSCA: Gastropoda) A crescentic ridge on the selenizone, concave toward aperture … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
pseudoselenizone — n. [Gr. pseudos, false; selene, the moon; zone, girdle] (MOLLUSCA: Gastropoda) A band of crescentic growth lines on the shell surface resembling a selenizone, but not identifiable as caused by a notch or slit in the aperture … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
slit band — see selenizone … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
Bellerophon — Bellerophontic, adj. /beuh ler euh fon /, n. Class. Myth. a Corinthian hero who, mounted on Pegasus, killed the Chimera. Also, Bellerophontes /beuh ler euh fon teez/. * * * Legendary Greek hero. The son of Glaucus and grandson of Sisyphus, as a… … Universalium