seismic motion

seismic motion
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "seismic motion" в других словарях:

  • Mitigation of seismic motion — Main article: Earthquake engineering Mitigation of seismic motion is an important factor in earthquake engineering and construction in earthquake prone areas. The destabilizing action of an earthquake on constructions may be direct (seismic… …   Wikipedia

  • Seismic retrofit — Seismic retrofitting is the modification of existing structures to make them more resistant to seismic activity, ground motion, or soil failure due to earthquakes. Other retrofit techniques are applicable to areas subject to tropical cyclones,… …   Wikipedia

  • Seismic hazard — refers to the study of expected earthquake ground motions at the earth s surface, and its likely effects on existing natural conditions and man made structures for public safety considerations; the results of such studies are published as seismic …   Wikipedia

  • Seismic microzonation — map of Greater Bangkok prepared based on predominant period of site obtained from microtremor observations [1] Main article: Earthquake engineering Seismic microzonation is defined as the process …   Wikipedia

  • Seismic analysis — is a subset of structural analysis and is the calculation of the response of a building (or nonbuilding) structure to earthquakes. It is part of the process of structural design, earthquake engineering or structural assessment and retrofit (see… …   Wikipedia

  • Seismic risk — uses the results of a seismic hazard analysis, and includes both consequence and probability. A building located in a region of high seismic hazard is at lower risk if it is built to sound seismic engineering principles. On the other hand, a… …   Wikipedia

  • Seismic wave — Seismic waves are waves that travel through the Earth, most often as the result of a tectonic earthquake, sometimes from an explosion. Seismic waves are also continually excited by the pounding of ocean waves and the wind. Seismic waves are… …   Wikipedia

  • Seismic Handler — (SH) is an interactive analysis program for preferably continuous waveform data. It was developed at the Seismological Observatory Gräfenberg and is in use there for daily routine analysis of local and global seismic events. In original form… …   Wikipedia

  • Motion detection — is a process of confirming a change in position of an object relative to its surroundings or the change in the surroundings relative to an object. This detection can be achieved by both mechanical and electronic methods. In addition to discrete,… …   Wikipedia

  • Seismic moment — is a quantity used by earthquake seismologists to measure the size of an earthquake. The scalar seismic moment M 0 is defined by the equationM 0=mu Au, where *mu is the shear modulus of the rocks involved in the earthquake, typically 30… …   Wikipedia

  • seismic wave — Vibration generated by an earthquake, explosion, or similar phenomenon and propagated within the Earth or along its surface. Earthquakes generate two principal types of waves: body waves, which travel within the Earth, and surface waves, which… …   Universalium

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