- schairerite
- шайрёрит, Na21(SO4)7F6Cl
* * *шайрерит
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
schairerite — schai·rer·ite … English syllables
schairerite — ˈshīrəˌrīt noun ( s) Etymology: John F. Schairer b1904 American physical chemist + English ite : a mineral Na3(SO4)(F,Cl) consisting of a rare sodium sulphate with fluorine and chlorine and occurring in colorless rhombohedral crystals … Useful english dictionary
List of minerals S-T (complete) — It is currently not possible to have a complete list of minerals . The International Mineralogical Association is the international group that recognises new minerals and new mineral names, however minerals discovered before 1959 did not go… … Wikipedia
Searles Lake — (also called Searles Dry Lake), is an evaporite basin located near the community of Trona in San Bernardino County, California. Searles Valley Minerals currently extracts 1.7 million tons of industrial minerals each year from several lakebeds… … Wikipedia