Смотреть что такое "SCAL" в других словарях:
scal|y — «SKAY lee», adjective, scal|i|er, scal|i|est. 1. covered with scales; having scales like a fish: »The iron pipe is scaly with rust. 2. suggesting scales … Useful english dictionary
scal — s. v. rechin. Trimis de siveco, 13.09.2007. Sursa: Sinonime … Dicționar Român
scal|di|no — «skahl DEE noh», noun, plural ni « nee». a small earthenware brazier used in Italy. ╂[< Italian scaldino < scaldare to heat] … Useful english dictionary
scal|er — «SKAY luhr», noun. 1. a person or thing that scales: »We are soul probers, star mappers, wood walkers, scalers of Everests, pursuers of tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow (Atlantic). 2. an instrument for removing scales from fish. 3. a device… … Useful english dictionary
scal|ic — «SKAY lihk», adjective. of or having to do with a musical scale or scales: »The music doggedly pursues repetitive triadic or scalic patterns (London Times) … Useful english dictionary
scal — obs. f. scall, shall … Useful english dictionary
scal — rap·scal·lion; rap·scal·lion·ly; scal·age; scal·a·ri·idae; scal·a·wag; scal·a·wag·gery; scal·i·ness; scal·loped; scal·lop·er; scal·lo·pi·ni; scal·ma; scal·o·pus; scal·pel·lar; scal·pel·lum; scal·pri·form; scal·prum; scal·able; scal·er; scal·lion; … English syllables
scal|lop|pi|ni — scal|lop|pi|ne or scal|lop|pi|ni «SKAL uh PEE nee», noun (plural). thin slices of veal pounded flat and cooked in Marsala wine, sometimes with mushrooms, cheese, or tomato paste. ╂[alteration of Italian scaloppine, plural of scaloppina small thin … Useful english dictionary
scal|lop|pi|ne — or scal|lop|pi|ni «SKAL uh PEE nee», noun (plural). thin slices of veal pounded flat and cooked in Marsala wine, sometimes with mushrooms, cheese, or tomato paste. ╂[alteration of Italian scaloppine, plural of scaloppina small thin slice] … Useful english dictionary
scal|age — «SKAY lihj», noun. 1. a) an amount deducted, as from the listed weight or price, to allow for moisture, leakage, or the like. b) the act of making such an allowance or deduction. 2. the estimated board feet of lumber obtainable from a log, tree,… … Useful english dictionary
scal|a|wag — «SKAL uh wag», noun. 1. Informal. a good for nothing person; scamp; rascal: »They are mostly crooks and scalawags (Time). 2. a white Southerner who acted with the Republican Party after the Civil War (an unfriendly term used by Southern… … Useful english dictionary