saturated surface

saturated surface
кривая депрессии

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "saturated surface" в других словарях:

  • Saturated-surface-dry — is defined as the condition of an aggregate particle or other porous solid when:* All permeable voids are filled with water * All exposed surfaces are dryIn this condition aggregates will not affect the free water content of a composite… …   Wikipedia

  • Surface runoff — Runoff flowing into a stormwater drain Surface runoff is the water flow that occurs when soil is infiltrated to full capacity and excess water from rain, meltwater, or other sources flows over the land. This is a major component of the water… …   Wikipedia

  • Surface irrigation — is defined as the group of application techniques where water is applied and distributed over the soil surface by gravity. It is by far the most common form of irrigation throughout the world and has been practiced in many areas virtually… …   Wikipedia

  • Surface energy — [ Contact angle measurements can be used to determine the surface energy of a material. Here, a drop of water on glass.] Surface energy quantifies the disruption of intermolecular bonds that occurs when a surface is created. In the physics of… …   Wikipedia

  • Maxwell's thermodynamic surface — Historic photograph of Maxwell’s plaster model (taken by James Pickands II, and published in 1942).[1] Maxwell’s thermodynamic surface is an 1874 sculpture[2] made by Scottish physicist …   Wikipedia

  • Fire surface — Fire Fire (f[imac]r), n. [OE. fir, fyr, fur AS. f[=y]r; akin to D. vuur, OS. & OHG. fiur, G. feuer, Icel. f[=y]ri, f[=u]rr, Gr. py^r, and perh. to L. purus pure, E. pure Cf. {Empyrean}, {Pyre}.] 1. The evolution of light and heat in the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Construction aggregate — Limestone quarry …   Wikipedia

  • mimeograph — /mim ee euh graf , grahf /, n. 1. a printing machine with an ink fed drum, around which a cut waxed stencil is placed and which rotates as successive sheets of paper are fed into it. 2. a copy made from a mimeograph. v.t. 3. to duplicate… …   Universalium

  • SSD — may refer to:In computing: * Solid state drive, a type of data storage device.In Other: * Saturated surface dry, Aggregate or porous solid condition. * Schulze method, (Schwartz sequential dropping), a method used in decision theory. * Scottish… …   Wikipedia

  • Ogallala Aquifer — Saturated thickness of the Ogallala Aquifer in 1997 after several decades of intensive withdrawals: The breadth and depth of the aquifer generally decrease from north to south …   Wikipedia

  • Decompression (diving) — Divers decompressing in the water at the end of a dive Decompression in the context of diving derives from the reduction in ambient pressure experienced by the diver during the ascent at the end of a dive or hyperbaric exposure and refers to both …   Wikipedia

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