- acoustic velocity
• скорость акустической волны• скорость распространения акустической волны
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
acoustic velocity — acoustic velocity, the rate at which a sound wave travels through a specified medium … Useful english dictionary
acoustic velocity — akustinis greitis statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Akustinės bangos sklidimo greitis. atitikmenys: angl. acoustic velocity vok. akustische Geschwindigkeit, f rus. акустическая скорость, f pranc. vitesse acoustique, f … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
acoustic velocity — akustinis greitis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. acoustic velocity vok. akustische Geschwindigkeit, f rus. акустическая скорость, f pranc. vitesse acoustique, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Acoustic theory — is the field relating to mathematical description of sound waves. It is derived from fluid dynamics. See acoustics for the engineering approach.The propagation of sound waves in a fluid (such as air) can be modeled by an equation of motion… … Wikipedia
Acoustic streaming — is a steady current forced by the absorption of high amplitude acoustic oscillations.This phenomenon can be observed near sound emitters, or in the standing waves within a Kundt s tube.It is the less known opposite of sound generation by a… … Wikipedia
Acoustic holography — is a method used to estimate the sound field near a source by measuring acoustic parameters away from the source via an array of pressure and/or particle velocity transducers. Measuring techniques included within acoustic holography are becoming… … Wikipedia
Acoustic impedance — The acoustic impedance Z (or sound impedance) is a frequency f dependent parameter and is very useful, for example, for describing the behaviour of musical wind instruments. Mathematically, it is the sound pressure p divided by the particle… … Wikipedia
Acoustic metric — In mathematical physics, a metric describes the arrangement of relative distances within a surface or volume, usually measured by signals passing through the region – essentially describing the intrinsic geometry of the region. An acoustic metric … Wikipedia
Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler — Head of an ADCP with the four transducers ADCP view ahead, mo … Wikipedia
Acoustic wave equation — In physics, the acoustic wave equation governs the propagation of acoustic waves through a material medium. The form of the equation is a second order partial differential equation. The equation describes the evolution of acoustic pressure p or… … Wikipedia
acoustic impedance — Acoustics. the total reaction of a medium to the transmission of sound through it, expressed as the ratio of sound pressure to particle velocity at a given point in the medium. * * * ▪ physics absorption of sound in a medium, equal to the… … Universalium