- sanidine
- санидин, (K,Na)(Si,Al)4O8, K(AlSi3)O8
anorthoclase sanidine анортоклаз-санидин
soda sanidine натриевый санидин
* * *санидин
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Sanidine — Catégorie IX : silicates[1] Azulicite (Var. Sanidine) Mina La Pili, Chihuahua, Mexique. (3.5x2.2 cm) … Wikipédia en Français
Sanidine — is the high temperature form of potassium feldspar (K,Na)(Si,Al)4O8. [Mineral Handbook http://www.minsocam.org/msa/Handbook/Sanidine.PDF ] Sanidine most typically occurs in felsic volcanic rocks such as obsidian, rhyolite and trachyte. Sanidine… … Wikipedia
sanidine — ● sanidine nom féminin (grec sanidion, planchette) Variété de feldspath potassique que l on trouve dans les roches volcaniques. ⇒SANIDINE, subst. fém. MINÉR. Variété de feldspath orthose que l on trouve dans les roches volcaniques. Le trachyte… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Sanidine — San i*dine, n. [Gr. ?. ?, a board. So called in allusion to the tabular crystals.] (Min.) A variety of orthoclase feldspar common in certain eruptive rocks, as trachyte; called also {glassy feldspar}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sanidine — sanidinic /san i din ik/, adj. /san i deen , din/, n. Mineral. a glassy, often transparent variety of orthoclase in which sodium may replace as much as 50 percent of the potassium: forms phenocrysts in some igneous rocks. [1805 15; < G Sanidin,… … Universalium
sanidine — noun A variety of orthoclase feldspar found as tabular crystals embedded in volcanic rocks. It sometimes reflects a blue sheen along crystal planes. This phenomenon is called adularescence, and sanidine with this property is called moonstone.… … Wiktionary
sanidine — sanidinas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Mineralas. formulė K[AlSi₃O₈] atitikmenys: angl. sanidine rus. санидин … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
sanidine — [ sanɪdi:n] noun a glassy mineral of the alkali feldspar group. Origin C19: from Gk sanis, sanid board + ine4 … English new terms dictionary
sanidine — san·i·dine … English syllables
sanidine — /ˈsænədin/ (say sanuhdeen) noun a mineral form of potash felspar, similar to orthoclase and occurring in some lavas. {German} …
sanidine — … Useful english dictionary