sand blow

sand blow
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "sand blow" в других словарях:

  • sand blow — noun (geology) The removal of large amounts of sand from a place by the wind • • • Main Entry: ↑sand …   Useful english dictionary

  • sand blow — /ˈsænd bloʊ/ (say sand bloh) noun a large unstable dune of sand which is slowly driven forward over a period of years by a prevailing wind …  

  • Carlo Sand Blow — /ˈkaloʊ/ (say kahloh) noun a large sand dune in the Cooloola section of Great Sandy National Park in south eastern Qld. {named by Captain James Cook, who used it as a landmark in his 1770 exploration of the coast, after one of his crew} …  

  • Sand volcano — A sand volcano or sand blow is a cone of sand formed by the ejection of sand onto a surface from a central point. The sand builds up as a cone with slopes at the sand s angle of repose. A crater is commonly seen at the summit. The cone looks like …   Wikipedia

  • Sand casting — Sand casting, also known as sand molded casting, is a metal casting process characterized by using sand as the mold material. It is relatively cheap and sufficiently refractory even for steel foundry use. A suitable bonding agent (usually clay)… …   Wikipedia

  • Sand Creek massacre — Part of the Colorado War, American Indian Wars Date November 29, 1864 Location Colorado Territory Present day Kiowa Co …   Wikipedia

  • Sand dune ecology — describes the biological and physico chemical interactions that are a characteristic of sand dunes.Sand dunes provide a range of habitats for a range of unusual, interesting and characteristic plants that can cope with disturbed habitats. In the… …   Wikipedia

  • SAND, LEONARD B — SAND, LEONARD B. (1928– ), U.S. judge. Sand, a native of the Bronx, NY, who graduated from New York University and Harvard Law School, was admitted to the bar in 1953 and soon became a partner in the law firm of Robinson, Silverman, Pearce,… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • sand dune — Hill, mound, or ridge of windblown sand or other loose material such as clay particles. Dunes are commonly associated with desert regions and seacoasts, and there are large areas of dunes in nonglacial parts of Antarctica. * * * Introduction  any …   Universalium

  • blow — 01. The wind [blows] cold across the plains in winter. 02. He [blew] a tire about six minutes into the race and had to stop. 03. I really [blew] it with my new girlfriend. I forgot her birthday and then called her by my old girlfriend s name. 04 …   Grammatical examples in English

  • Blow Sand Mountains — Geobox|Range name = Blow Sand Mountains native name = other name = category = Mountain Range etymology = image caption = country = United States state = Nevada region = district = Churchill County municipality = topo topo maker = USGS range =… …   Wikipedia

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