sailing ice

sailing ice
разреженный дрейфующий лед

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "sailing ice" в других словарях:

  • Ice yachting — is the great sport of sailing and racing iceboats, also called ice yachts. It is practiced in Great Britain, Poland, Norway and Sweden, to some extent, and is very popular in the Netherlands and on the Gulf of Finland, but its highest development …   Wikipedia

  • Sailing — is the art of controlling a sailing vessel. By changing the rigging, rudder and dagger or centre board, a sailor manages the force of the wind on the sails in order to change the direction and speed of a boat. Mastery of the skill requires… …   Wikipedia

  • Sailing in Anguilla — has a long and deep history, and is one of the defining characteristics of the island. The history of Anguillian sailing is often indistinguishable from the history of the island itself. Sailing craft date back to the Taino and Arawak peoples who …   Wikipedia

  • Ice hockey at the Olympic Games — Representing Canada, the Winnipeg Falcons (pictured en route to the 1920 Summer Olympics) were the first Olympic champions in ice hockey. Governing body …   Wikipedia

  • Sailing vessel — can refer to:*Sailing ship *Sailboat *Ice boat *Land yacht …   Wikipedia

  • ice|boat — «YS BOHT», noun. 1. a triangular frame on runners, fitted with sails or an engine for sailing on ice at great speed. One runner, for steering, is attached to the front or rear of the body, and the other two are at the ends of a crosspiece. 2. =… …   Useful english dictionary

  • ice|boat|ing — «YS BOHT ihng», noun. the sport of racing or sailing an iceboat: »Iceboating is the fastest of all winter sports (Time) …   Useful english dictionary

  • Sailing faster than the wind — Devices that are powered by sails (such as sailboats, iceboats and sand yachts) can sail (that is, advance over the surface) faster than the wind.[1] Such devices cannot do this when sailing dead downwind using simple square sails that are set… …   Wikipedia

  • Sailing stones — A sailing stone in Racetrack Playa. Sailing stones, sliding rocks, and moving rocks all refer to a geological phenomenon where rocks move in long tracks along a smooth valley floor without human or animal intervention. They have been recorded and …   Wikipedia

  • Ice boat — An ice boat (often spelled as iceboat , once called an ice scooter) is a boat or purpose built framework similar in appearance to a sail boat but fitted with skis or runners (skates) and designed to run over ice instead of (liquid) water, known… …   Wikipedia

  • sailing — /say ling/, n. 1. the activity of a person or thing that sails. 2. the departure of a ship from port: The cruise line offers sailings every other day. 3. Navig. any of various methods for determining courses and distances by means of charts or… …   Universalium

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